Sat.Feb 14, 2015 - Fri.Feb 20, 2015

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10 Cash Management Products Your Bank Needs Now (2015 Edition)

South State Correspondent

'The war of corporate banking is being fought over cash management. Unfortunately, many community banks are at a disadvantage because they''re under-armed. Most of the deficiency stems from strategy as it is rare we hear of a bank where building out their cash management offerings is a priority. That is a mistake, as dollar-for-dollar expanding your corporate cash management suite is one of the best investments you can make given its high return.

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Which loan types are fueling bank growth?


'Following the recent recession, U.S. commercial bank loan portfolios have continued to expand. As of the third quarter of 2014, the total value of portfolios was $7.4 trillion, up from $6.5 trillion at the end of the third quarter of 2011. Which areas of lending and what banks are driving the expansion? A recent issue of Banking Insights , published by the Federal Reserve Bank of St.

St. Louis 190

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A preview of Innovation and Insight Day

Celent Banking

'Celent’s Innovation and Insight Day is about a month away, and I couldn’t be more excited. We have great external speakers bookending the day, and we’ll be exploring exciting technology implementations with 18 Model Banks in five categories (plus Celent’s Model Bank of the Year): • Digital. • Omnichannel. • Legacy and Ecosystem Transformation. • Innovation and Emerging Technologies. • Payments.

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What Your Financial Institution Can Learn from Cheers

SWBC's LenderHub

'Caitlin Regan, "Cheers Bar," CC By 2.0. I vaguely remember hearing the theme song from the 1980s sitcom, "Cheers," as a kid when I would visit my grandparents'' house during the summer. It was always on right before the 10 p.m. news, and even to this day, when I hear the opening score, I see my grandmother''s orange and brown paisley couch and smell the scent of homemade tortillas (a constant and wonderful staple in my grandmother''s kitchen!).

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Case Study: First Mid Bank Fast-Tracks New Market Entry in Commercial Lending

Discover First Mid Bank's Expansion Success with Our Case Study! Discover how First Mid Bank & Trust fast-tracked market expansion through advanced automation and compliance solutions. This case study reveals their journey from facing challenges in Texas' complex legal landscape to achieving rapid market entry with GoDocs' innovative commercial closing platform.

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Matching Loan Structure With A Borrower’s Asset-Liability Position [Video]

South State Correspondent

'For many banks, loan structuring is a one size fits all effort. Like Henry Ford said about the Model T –Customer can have any color they would like in the car as long as it was black, banks say that their value proposition is service, yet offer few choices when it comes to loan structuring.

Video 233

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On Main Street

Independent Banker

'A Second Cyberdefense. By Noah W. Wilcox, Grand Rapids State Bank. Information is the new coin of the realm, and financial information is the most widely prized. Today protecting rapidly escalating volumes of faster-moving information has become one of the most pressing technology challenges for businesses and other organizations. Nowhere is this more consequential than in the cybersecurity undertaken by the nation’s financial sector, including community banks.

Maine 107
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CFPB takes action on misleading advertisements

CFPB Monitor

'Ryan J. Richardson and Richard J. Andreano, Jr. Late last week, on February 12, the CFPB announced actions against three mortgage companies for alleged violations of Regulation N , the Mortgage Acts and Practices Advertising Rule. Among other restrictions, Regulation N bars any commercial misrepresentation of the relationship between a credit provider and a government.

Lending 99
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From The Data: Learn This Tactic That Few Deposit Managers Know

South State Correspondent

'As many of you heard, Charles Barkley got into a verbal battle with the General Manager for the Houston Rockets, Daryl Morey, last week. The money quote was Sir Charles’ Luddite-like statement that Morey is “one of those idiots who believes in analytics.” Part of that is Charles being Charles, but part of that is the all-too-common fear of the unknown and fear of anything new.

Houston 207
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My Maiden Voyage to the ‘Acquire or Be Acquired’ Conference


'I think ever since GonzoBanker’s mother ship, Cornerstone Advisors , was founded over 13 years ago, Bank Director has hosted its “Acquire or Be Acquired” conference (or, as all the regulars call it, “AOBA”) in our back yard here in sunny Scottsdale or Phoenix, Ariz. Well, my partner Steve Williams and I finally broke down and attended. Here is a recap of the flurry of activity at this year’s event.

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Exploring the Liability Shift: A Comprehensive Guide to Fraud Loss Responsibility and Mitigation

Shifting liability for digital fraud losses represents a significant challenge for financial institutions and payment service providers. In response to the global surge in digital fraud, regulators are introducing policies that transfer the cost of fraud from defrauded customers to financial institutions. ThreatMark’s newly released white paper, "The Liability Shift: Understanding Fraud Losses Responsibility and Mitigation," provides an in-depth analysis of this shift, its implications, and stra

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The Revolution Continues

Independent Banker

'What’s in store for mobile in 2015? By James DeBello. In 2014, mobile deposit capture technology became a staple for more than 3,000 banks and 33 million Americans. With the rapid adoption and ongoing acceptance of banking with a smartphone and smartphone camera, the banking industry is poised for even more growth in mobile banking in the coming year.

San Diego 101
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The Four C’s - Cybersecurity, C-Suite, Clarity, and Collaboration

Jack Henry

'Author: Karen Crumbley, C YBERSECURITY: During the final quarter of 2014, the “ FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment General Observations ” and the “ Cybersecurity Threat and Vulnerability Monitoring and Sharing Statement ” documents were released. This documentation included findings from the Cybersecurity Examination Work Program – a survey that came from more than 500 community financial institutions (FIs) where they were evaluated by the FFIEC for preparedness to mitigate cyb

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From Online to Mobile to Mobile-Only

Banking 2020

'For everyone from lazy millennials in the suburbs to disadvantaged denizens in under-developed regions, this is a game-changer. It almost seems inevitable. Just as the onset of online banking capabilities upended traditional industry practices, the slew of mobile banking apps now on the market, and the heavy adoption of those technologies by ‘millennials’ in particular, was bound to make even online banking look old-fashioned.

Mobile 78
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Decision-making data right at your fingertips

ABA Community Banking

'Book Review: Good decisions aren’t just about Big Data Management Blogs CSuite Books for Bankers Community Banking.

Data 82
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Live Demo: How to Achieve Reconciliation Zen

Speaker: Nancy Wu, Head of Sales and Customer Success at SkyStem

Automation generally supercharges any process and brings its value to the forefront. See how infusing automation such as ART (our month-end close solution), into your close can get you to the next level of closing. We will share a live demo of SkyStem's solution, ART and share the key elements of month-end close automation. Through ART, we'll take a look at: What month-end close automation entails Which process steps can and should be automated Benefits of achieving process automation, and Why i

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Ready for new ACH rules in 2015

Independent Banker

'Community banks should prepare for several significant new ACH rules in 2015 and 2016. Here are a few. By Jennifer L. Kirk. Unauthorized entry fee. The ACH Network wants to rid itself of unauthorized entries, and the new strategy is to fine Originating Depository Financial Institutions that send unauthorized entries. In a nutshell, for every ACH transaction that is returned as R05, R07, R10, R29 or R51, the ODFI will incur a fee that will range from $3.50 to $5.50.

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Payday loan rulemaking prediction: CFPB will issue proposal this summer

CFPB Monitor

'Barbara S. Mishkin. Isaac Boltansky of Compass Point has issued an estimated timeline for the CFPB’s payday loan rulemaking that includes a July 2015 expected date for the CFPB’s release of a proposed rule. Mr. Boltansky estimates that the CFPB will initiate a small business panel pursuant to the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) this month, conclude the SBREFA process in April 2015, and issue its proposal in July 2015.

Lending 65
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FI Highlight: Apollo Bank

Banking 2020

'Whether you’re a national or local financial institution, it’s important to make sure you have initiatives in place that help you connect with members of your local community. Apollo Bank , a locally-owned bank in the Miami area, is doing just this. We recently spoke with Eddy Arriola, Chairman of Apollo Bank, to learn more about their initiatives and how other financial institutions can learn from them.

Miami 76
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Big data: Not rocket science—data science

ABA Community Banking

'Smaller banks can combine data science and advanced analytics for profitability Technology CSuite Community Banking.

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The State of Automation in Financial Services 2024 Report

In this report, you’ll find a comprehensive analysis of survey responses from executives at banks, credit unions, and insurance companies concerning their organization’s current and future use of automation. The report’s key insights include: Which types of automation are saving organizations the most time and money How to overcome the biggest barriers to automation implementation and adoption Why automation investments will continue to grow over the next few years How much you could save in 202

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Modern Management

Independent Banker

'New skills for today’s internal auditors. By Brian Pye. Internal auditors are responsible for more than reviewing loan files, completing a wire transfer audit or assessing controls over investments. Today, they must have an effective relationship with their audit committee and supervisors, continuous training, and a short- and long-term audit plan that addresses their bank’s changing needs and risks.

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Trade groups urge CFPB to respond to AFSA vehicle sales finance study

CFPB Monitor

'Barbara S. Mishkin. Five prominent industry trade groups sent a letter to the CFPB yesterday seeking “to engage the CFPB in a constructive dialogue” on the study of indirect auto financing commissioned by the American Financial Services Association. The study, which was conducted by Charles River Associates, found that the CFPB’s proxy methodology for measuring disparities in auto dealer reserve was “conceptually flawed in its application and subject to significant bias and estimat

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This Week’s Reads: Millennials, Mobile Payments, Innovation

Banking 2020

'Below are interesting stories the staff has been reading over the past week. Articles via Banking Exchange, The Financial Brand ,Wall Street Journal and BankThink. Millennials likely to embrace nontraditional services: According to a recent survey conducted for FICO, millennials (aged 18-34) are more likely to use nontraditional services like Apple Pay or Google Wallet, proving that banking alternatives have the potential to grow rapidly if properly designed and executed.

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EMV migration well underway, says smart card group

ABA Community Banking

'“Tsunami” of 575+ million chip cards may swamp consumers by yearend Payments Risk Management Cards Cyberfraud/ID Theft Feature Feature3.

Cards 61
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New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders

Dive into the complexities of New York lien laws with our comprehensive eBook, 'New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders.' In this detailed guide, we explore the critical formalities necessary for lenders navigating ground-up construction and fix-and-flip projects in the New York market. From documentation requirements to the implications of non-compliance, learn how to safeguard your lending position and prioritize legal adherence.

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Mobile Ready

Independent Banker

'Special functions and features to draw prized smartphone-tethered customers. By Phil Britt. With mobile banking and mobile payments the financial services topics du jour, vendors are promoting several features and functionalities as “must-have” options, but there are really only a handful that set apart the capabilities of one community bank over another financial institution, according to consultants.

Mobile 91
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FTC sends ECOA report to CFPB

CFPB Monitor

'Barbara S. Mishkin. The FTC recently sent a letter to the CFPB reporting on the FTC’s 2014 activities related to compliance with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and Regulation B. Although the FTC has authority to enforce the ECOA and Reg B as to nonbank providers within its jurisdiction, the letter does not include any specific 2014 FTC enforcement activity.

Report 60
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What is bitcoin? As opposed to Bitcoin, that is

Tomorrow's Transactions

'Oh dear. I have such a terrible attention span and I’m so easily distracted. I didn’t get more than a few pages into “ The Age of Cryptocurrency ” without setting off for Google. In their introduction, the authors say that by convention Bitcoin the technology is capitalised whereas the currency is referred to with a lower-case b.

Bitcoin 44
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Technology driving 2015 growth

ABA Community Banking

'Mobile, omnichannel, branch transformation among top priorities Management Technology Branch Technology/ATMs.

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2024 Lending Outlook: Innovations and Evolutions in the Financial Sector

As we step into 2024, the lending landscape evolves rapidly with technology, regulations, and market dynamics driving change. For banks and financial institutions to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their customers, these drivers must be understood and engaged with. Lenders can anticipate significant transformation fueled by technological advancements, regulatory shifts, and changing consumer behaviors.