February, 2015

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The Idea Vault: A Bank Best Practice

South State Correspondent

'One of the biggest assets a bank has goes untapped in probably 95% of banks. Everyday term sheets are produced on loans, customer problems are handled and new ideas arise. Unfortunately, management hasn’t put a system in place, and because bankers are busy it is hard to carve out 20 minutes to share their experience and knowledge with their co-workers.

System 224
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What is your accounting firm’s plan post-tax season?


'With spring comes the promise of warmer temperatures, irises and snapdragons, along with March Madness college basketball rivalries and the start of baseball season. While tax accountants may not be able to see the light at the end of the busy season tunnel yet, the spring is sure to come. And when it does, and the W-2s and I-9s stop flooding in, some accountants and firms may want to transition from compliance work to more value-added advisory services.

Taxes 184

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Towards an OS/ Device-based Mobile Wallet

Celent Banking

'Over a year ago, we published a 2014 edition of our annual Top Retail Payment Trends Report ( 2015 edition is here ), in which we distinguished between app-based wallets – majority of mobile payments solutions in the market at that point – and device-based wallets. We suggested that payments would become ever tighter integrated into the device and the operating system (OS) and that we will see the emergence of device-based wallets, “which store securely on the phone a token as

Mobile 152
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The New Rules of Engagement

Independent Banker

'Winning connections with Gen Y customers come with a few unspoken protocols of marketing and communication etiquette. By Kathryn Jackson Fallon. Four Rules of Engagement. 1. Seek permission. Texting millennials enters their private zone. Ask permission before texting or emailing them, and don’t abuse the privilege of your direct access with over-communication. 2.

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Exploring the Liability Shift: A Comprehensive Guide to Fraud Loss Responsibility and Mitigation

Shifting liability for digital fraud losses represents a significant challenge for financial institutions and payment service providers. In response to the global surge in digital fraud, regulators are introducing policies that transfer the cost of fraud from defrauded customers to financial institutions. ThreatMark’s newly released white paper, "The Liability Shift: Understanding Fraud Losses Responsibility and Mitigation," provides an in-depth analysis of this shift, its implications, and stra

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How to make your bank the envy of the Peppered Moth

Matt Wilcox Pro

'Ever sat down for a chat with a Peppered Moth? Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the Peppered Moth flourished in the forests of England. Well, the light-colored ones did. They alit on tree trunks and blended in. Life wasn’t so easy for their dark-colored siblings. They struck such a contrast with the surrounding trees that they [.

How To 76

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3 Ways to Improve Your Bank’s Board

South State Correspondent

'If you want an eye-opening experience, at your next bank board meeting ask your board three questions: 1) What is your bank’s long-term strategy; 2) What is the current value proposition; and 3) What are the major changes that are currently taking place in the banking industry? Chances are you will be disappointed. Your bank is not alone, as we routinely ask the above questions to bank boards during strategic planning sessions all across the country and find the answers lacking.

Meeting 223
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Business-valuation methods matter


'By Brad Spence, Director of Enterprise & Valuation Teams, Sageworks. Think performing quality business valuations is important? Consider this statistic: Roughly one in every three business-sale engagements for brokers over the last 12 months ended without a transaction, and unrealistic asking prices were a major factor in the failed deals, a recent survey says.

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Start-up of internet-only banks in South Korea

Celent Banking

'South Korea’s government has begun to move to permit internet-only banks. It is in discussion with a group of financial institutions, vendors and other institutions, and the outline for internet-only banking services will be set up around April. In South Korea, most banks, we can say all banks, already offer direct banking including internet, mobile and smartphone, and many customers are accustomed to them.

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Portfolio Management

Independent Banker

'Total Return. A combination of factors determine every bond’s ultimate performance. By Jim Reber. During my 20-plus years of dealing with community bankers, either as an investment strategist, sales rep or business-development manager, I have come to understand that certain buzz words fall on deaf ears. As a consequence, supply-siders, like your bank’s brokers, tend to avoid using them during a sales pitch.

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Live Demo: How to Achieve Reconciliation Zen

Speaker: Nancy Wu, Head of Sales and Customer Success at SkyStem

Automation generally supercharges any process and brings its value to the forefront. See how infusing automation such as ART (our month-end close solution), into your close can get you to the next level of closing. We will share a live demo of SkyStem's solution, ART and share the key elements of month-end close automation. Through ART, we'll take a look at: What month-end close automation entails Which process steps can and should be automated Benefits of achieving process automation, and Why i

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VendorDirt: The Big 4 in 2015


'In January a lifelong friend of mine married a super cool woman he met on a blind date. No Tinder, FarmersOnly, eHarmony, or ChristianMingle – just a good, old-fashioned love match arranged by a mutual friend. Ah… love. Makes you think of your core vendor, no? Core vendors are kinda like a blind date. You envision a gorgeous, funny and smart mystery person, but really you just hope your date’s visible scabies scarring is minimal and that you don’t end up hog-tied in the back of a creepy p

Phoenix 84
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CFPB proposes temporary suspension of TILA requirement for credit card issuers to submit card agreements quarterly

CFPB Monitor

'Barbara S. Mishkin. The CFPB has issued a proposal to suspend for one year the Truth in Lending Act/. Regulation Z requirement for issuers of open-end credit cards to send their credit card agreements to the CFPB quarterly for posting in a public database on the CFPB’s website. The suspension would not affect the TILA/Reg Z requirement for such issuers to post their credit card agreements on their own publicly available websites.

Cards 60
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Judging Leasing Risk in Bank Commercial Real Estate Loans

South State Correspondent

'In loan pricing and structuring, our loan trading and hedging desk often sees dozens of loans per day. We look at loans from banks all across the nation, including our own, and one area that could be improved is the quantification of lease risk in commercial real estate.

National 199
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Professional standards and business valuations


'By Brad Spence, Director of Enterprise & Valuation Teams, Sageworks. Standards – whether they relate to academics, safety or business practices – help people identify acceptable levels of quality, and standards are used in nearly all aspects of our lives. Without standards, for example, it’d be harder to tell whether a student is making adequate educational progress.

Examples 184
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New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders

Dive into the complexities of New York lien laws with our comprehensive eBook, 'New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders.' In this detailed guide, we explore the critical formalities necessary for lenders navigating ground-up construction and fix-and-flip projects in the New York market. From documentation requirements to the implications of non-compliance, learn how to safeguard your lending position and prioritize legal adherence.

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Samsung’s acquisition of smartphone payment solution vendor LoopPay

Celent Banking

'Last week, Samsung announced the acquisition of LoopPay, a US-based smartphone payment solution vendor. It has been receiving attention as it may be poised to bring further growth to Samsung’s smartphone. The strength of LoopPay technology is broad versatility. Its technology enables smartphone payment at a touch to a magnetic card reader. Most existing smartphone payment services require the implementation of a dedicated payment terminal, and ApplePay is not an exception.

Samsung 143
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Washington Watch

Independent Banker

'Years in the Making. New proposed mortgage reforms follow extensive ICBA outreach. By Elizabeth Eurgubian. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s new proposals to reform its qualified mortgage rules follow years of ICBA advocacy. The ICBA and community bank campaign to improve those rules has included a comprehensive study on their impact that was released before the CFPB announcement of its proposed changes, which are expected to be formally adopted.

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Young Lenders and the Groundhog Syndrome

Jack Henry

'Author: Clarke Farmer, CFarmer@ProfitStars.com. CEOs and Chief Lending Officers, have you ever met a young lender that seemed to see his/her shadow while out on a business development call? Then, just like the groundhog, that lender will retreat back to the burrow with nothing more than a prospect’s business card. If so, then you are not alone. In the last 60 days, I had several conversations with bank executives in Minneapolis, Oklahoma City, Fresno and Atlanta on that very topic.

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Director Cordray speaks to the National Association of Attorneys General

CFPB Monitor

'Barbara S. Mishkin. As he has done in prior years , Director Cordray spoke earlier this week to the National Association of Attorneys General. His prepared remarks focused on the familiar theme of “the four Ds” that create obstacles for consumers in the financial services marketplace–deceptive marketing, debt traps, dead ends, and discrimination.

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The State of Automation in Financial Services 2024 Report

In this report, you’ll find a comprehensive analysis of survey responses from executives at banks, credit unions, and insurance companies concerning their organization’s current and future use of automation. The report’s key insights include: Which types of automation are saving organizations the most time and money How to overcome the biggest barriers to automation implementation and adoption Why automation investments will continue to grow over the next few years How much you could save in 202

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10 Steps To A Relationship Deposit Account Makeover

South State Correspondent

'In the quest for greater profitability, one strategy that we are employing here at CenterState Bank is the move to be less transactional and more relationship based products. While lots of banks say they are about the relationship, few banks can point to anything more concrete other than delivering “the personal touch.” Having good people and an accessible CEO is just the price of entry for relationship banking.

Strategy 235
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Which loan types are fueling bank growth?


'Following the recent recession, U.S. commercial bank loan portfolios have continued to expand. As of the third quarter of 2014, the total value of portfolios was $7.4 trillion, up from $6.5 trillion at the end of the third quarter of 2011. Which areas of lending and what banks are driving the expansion? A recent issue of Banking Insights , published by the Federal Reserve Bank of St.

St. Louis 190
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A preview of Innovation and Insight Day

Celent Banking

'Celent’s Innovation and Insight Day is about a month away, and I couldn’t be more excited. We have great external speakers bookending the day, and we’ll be exploring exciting technology implementations with 18 Model Banks in five categories (plus Celent’s Model Bank of the Year): • Digital. • Omnichannel. • Legacy and Ecosystem Transformation. • Innovation and Emerging Technologies. • Payments.

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Body Armor

Independent Banker

'Biometric authentication systems expand in options and practicality. By Katie Kuehner-Hebert. Technology companies are releasing ever-more sophisticated and accessible biometric authentication systems for banks, from real-time voice recognition, to fingerprint and ear scans, to facial scans via selfies, to detecting an individual’s particular behavior patterns.

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2024 Lending Outlook: Innovations and Evolutions in the Financial Sector

As we step into 2024, the lending landscape evolves rapidly with technology, regulations, and market dynamics driving change. For banks and financial institutions to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their customers, these drivers must be understood and engaged with. Lenders can anticipate significant transformation fueled by technological advancements, regulatory shifts, and changing consumer behaviors.

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My Maiden Voyage to the ‘Acquire or Be Acquired’ Conference


'I think ever since GonzoBanker’s mother ship, Cornerstone Advisors , was founded over 13 years ago, Bank Director has hosted its “Acquire or Be Acquired” conference (or, as all the regulars call it, “AOBA”) in our back yard here in sunny Scottsdale or Phoenix, Ariz. Well, my partner Steve Williams and I finally broke down and attended. Here is a recap of the flurry of activity at this year’s event.

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Another study raises questions about possible CFPB payday loan limits

CFPB Monitor

'Alan S. Kaplinsky. We recently wrote about two studies , one by Professor Ronald Mann and the other by Professor Jennifer Lewis Priestley, that cast serious doubt on the benefit to payday loan borrowers of an ability-to-repay requirement and limits on rollovers for payday loans, two elements that the CFPB is expected to include in its payday loan proposal.

Study 65
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From The Data: Learn This Tactic That Few Deposit Managers Know

South State Correspondent

'As many of you heard, Charles Barkley got into a verbal battle with the General Manager for the Houston Rockets, Daryl Morey, last week. The money quote was Sir Charles’ Luddite-like statement that Morey is “one of those idiots who believes in analytics.” Part of that is Charles being Charles, but part of that is the all-too-common fear of the unknown and fear of anything new.

Houston 207
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Trend analysis within your Watch List


'A standard component of monthly board meetings is an update on the performance and volume of the institution’s Watch List, the group of adversely classified loans under close supervision due to past nonperformance. Oftentimes, the Watch List includes loans rated as a Special Mention, Substandard, Doubtful or Loss, though in some situations the bank also includes loans nearing these thresholds as precautionary measure.

Analysis 164
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Addressing Top Enterprise Challenges in Generative AI with DataRobot

The buzz around generative AI shows no sign of abating in the foreseeable future. Enterprise interest in the technology is high, and the market is expected to gain momentum as organizations move from prototypes to actual project deployments. Ultimately, the market will demand an extensive ecosystem, and tools will need to streamline data and model utilization and management across multiple environments.