Sat.Nov 15, 2014 - Fri.Nov 21, 2014

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Understand Your Bank's Position: New Bank Risk Management Tool (For Free)

South State Correspondent

'At our core, banks are risk-adverse. It’s a good thing too, as we are all more leveraged than the average hedge fund such that each decision is amplified. Every time the sun comes up it is a roll of the dice as the market forces of credit, interest rate, liquidity and a dozen of other risks assault a bank. What separates success from failure is a bank’s ability to understand what risks to avoid, what risks to broker, and what risks to exploit.

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CECL to be released first half of 2015


'Final guidance on the Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) model has been an anticipated event in the eyes of bankers and other financial professionals. Its release marks the end of the incurred loss model in accounting for expected losses and brings with it a slew of process changes in the way financial institutions collect data and perform their ALLL calculations.


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GPS, Musicians, Analytics and Banking Culture

Celent Banking

'Three things came across my Twitter feed the same afternoon. Consider the following and see if you think they are related: “When we depend too much on our GPS, we lose the will and skill to explore.”. Tom Peters via Twitter, 20 November 2014. “A creative person is by definition inefficient. She/he is wandering along odd paths, backtracking; the life well-lived is mostly detours.”.

Analytics 169
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CFPB gives guidance and answers FAQ on the new Closing Disclosure

CFPB Monitor

'Marc Patterson On November 18, 2014, the CFPB staff and Federal Reserve Board co-hosted a webinar that addressed questions about the Final TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure Rule that will be effective for applications received by creditors or mortgage brokers on or after August 1, 2015. The webinar focused on the Closing Disclosure and addressed specific questions regarding the content of the Closing Disclosure.

Taxes 120
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Case Study: First Mid Bank Fast-Tracks New Market Entry in Commercial Lending

Discover First Mid Bank's Expansion Success with Our Case Study! Discover how First Mid Bank & Trust fast-tracked market expansion through advanced automation and compliance solutions. This case study reveals their journey from facing challenges in Texas' complex legal landscape to achieving rapid market entry with GoDocs' innovative commercial closing platform.

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Using Data To Deliver True Relationship Banking Results

South State Correspondent

'Many banks, including us, make the mistake of talking about being a relationship bank, but market on transactions. We tout checking products, loans and business banking solutions and then wonder why our product per customer count is not higher or our lifetime value is not larger.

Data 220

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The Midterms Are Over, but the Community Bank Battle Continues

Finer Points

'Well, the 2014 midterm elections are in the books. It’s all over but the shouting (almost). With all the close calls, potential recounts, and even a runoff in the Senate—there’s still some shouting left to do. What’s not in question is that we witnessed yet another wave election, this time with Republicans handily taking control […].

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CFPB Director Cordray Issues Warning to Bankers

CFPB Monitor

'Jeremy T. Rosenblum Director Cordray’s remarks to the Clearing House yesterday should unsettle bankers and payday lenders alike. In his talk, Director Cordray challenged bankers to bow to the inevitable. He suggested that sooner, rather than later, the industry should invest the billions of dollars required to build a payment system with “faster and even real-time payments” where “the interests of consumers remain at the top of [bankers''] minds.” The system envisi

System 114
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How The G20 Summit Just Changed The Nature Of Deposits (And What It Means For Banks)

South State Correspondent

' . Leaders of the G20 Nations met over the weekend and agreed to introduce new banking regulations that will result in deposits being treated more like an investment and less like "cash and cash equivalents." Watch our animated video to learn more and get our take on what it could mean for community banks.

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Why bankers should become trusted advisors to small business customers


'In the 2014 J.D. Power Small Business Banking Satisfaction Study , small business owners indicated that a key component of a positive banking experience is the relationship they have with their account manager. The survey was released on October 28, 2014, and polled business owners from across the country. The survey found that, for instances where the account manager is not viewed as a trusted advisor or there is no, one manager of the account, there is a a significant decrease in satisfaction

Survey 225
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Exploring the Liability Shift: A Comprehensive Guide to Fraud Loss Responsibility and Mitigation

Shifting liability for digital fraud losses represents a significant challenge for financial institutions and payment service providers. In response to the global surge in digital fraud, regulators are introducing policies that transfer the cost of fraud from defrauded customers to financial institutions. ThreatMark’s newly released white paper, "The Liability Shift: Understanding Fraud Losses Responsibility and Mitigation," provides an in-depth analysis of this shift, its implications, and stra

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Gonzo Goes to BAI Retail Delivery 2014: Sweet Home Chicago?


'The gloomy overcast ride from O’Hare followed the crushing Bears loss to the Packers, so BAI had to distract us with something provoking. And, man, did it ever … with the Aliens -esque signs of bankers getting their brains sucked out (or was it minds being blown by presenters, not sure?). With a focus on digital banking and branch transformation, it was interesting to see the attendee list with lots of sexy new customer experience and analytics titles.

Chicago 97
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Why are start up businesses not creating jobs?

Jeff For Banks

'I posed this question to a Fed economist today. Her answer: lack of capital. The above chart is from a Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic Letter: Slow Business Start-ups and the Job Recovery published in July. But in strategic planning retreats that I moderate, community financial institutions insist that they lend to small businesses. In fact, when I recently spoke to a group of New York bankers, I opined that community FIs would lend to small businesses only if they have three yea

Lending 92
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5 Ways How Bank Hedging Can Add Value To Lending

South State Correspondent

'Banks all understand interest rate risk, so understanding how hedging managing risk is an easy one. However, there is currently a conflict with banks that on one hand say they don’t believe rates are going up so taking more fixed rate exposure is acceptable, yet have a rate view of that of the forward curve (which does show rates going up). This issue is compounded by the fact that these very banks mostly have loan growth for 2015 exceeding GDP (3%) which would indicate faster than expected exp

Lending 191
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4 Reasons to leverage technology in your accounting firm


'3 out of 4 clients of financial services think their CPA is behind or just keeping up with technology. Learn how being an early adopter of technology can help your firm win more clients and add value by cross-selling additional services. Download this infographic today ! According to The Sleeter Group , “Small and medium-sized businesses no longer simply require tax and compliance-related services.

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Live Demo: How to Achieve Reconciliation Zen

Speaker: Nancy Wu, Head of Sales and Customer Success at SkyStem

Automation generally supercharges any process and brings its value to the forefront. See how infusing automation such as ART (our month-end close solution), into your close can get you to the next level of closing. We will share a live demo of SkyStem's solution, ART and share the key elements of month-end close automation. Through ART, we'll take a look at: What month-end close automation entails Which process steps can and should be automated Benefits of achieving process automation, and Why i

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5 Tips to Increase Your Mobile Banking Adoption

Jack Henry

'Author: Lauren Gleim, With Thanksgiving one week away, it’s that time of year we share our appreciation for those around us. Your friends and family will gather together to share in holiday traditions, maybe watch some football and feast on delicious food. Since I am such a sentimental gal, I’d like to share my appreciation by helping you with a little mobile marketing.

Mobile 92
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A Real Wizard's Lesson on Long-Term Contracts

SWBC's LenderHub

'Steve is in his 60’s and stands more than 6’5”. He has white, wild hair, but is bald on top. His voice is deep and booming as he leans back in his chair and gestures with huge hands high above his head. His white mustache dances as he laughs. His wink lets you know he is glad to share his knowledge. I often described him as a wizard.

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CFPB highlights alleged credit reporting errors relating to discharged student loans of disabled veterans

CFPB Monitor

'John L. Culhane, Jr. In a new blog post , the CFPB provides credit reporting advice to service-disabled veterans who take advantage of federal student loan forgiveness available from the Department of Education for veterans who receive a 100 percent disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs. The CFPB encourages veterans who use this benefit to confirm that their student loan servicer is providing correct information about their loan discharge to credit bureaus.

Report 83
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Spotlight on lending: Commercial loan growth geographically


'Now that banks have filed their third quarter financial reports , what did the lending picture look like last quarter? Specifically for businesses, are commercial loans on the rise? Nationally, the picture is a fine one. Total commercial and industrial (C&I) loans across all 6,600+ U.S. banks is up $157 billion from the same period in 2013. However, Q3 commercial lending is down from the beginning of 2014 (quarter ending 3/31/2014) by about $67 billion.

Lending 188
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The State of Automation in Financial Services 2024 Report

In this report, you’ll find a comprehensive analysis of survey responses from executives at banks, credit unions, and insurance companies concerning their organization’s current and future use of automation. The report’s key insights include: Which types of automation are saving organizations the most time and money How to overcome the biggest barriers to automation implementation and adoption Why automation investments will continue to grow over the next few years How much you could save in 202

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Local michael kors handbags pharmacy ma delaware mistake in dosages


'Local michael kors handbags pharmacy ma delaware mistake in dosages for polo horses. “Push an order from a professional, franck’s supermarket prepared medication that was throughout to treat the 21 horses on the louis vuitton sale lechuza polo team as”Jennifer beckett, t your boyfriend pharmacy–S serious operations officer. !

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Why you should change who you’re hiring right now

Banking 2020

'With four generations in the workforce for the first time ever and financial services seeing tech and retail taking their best performers, how can you make sure you’re hiring the right talent and keeping them there? The latest in Heidrick and Struggles ‘ LeadershipTV™ explains how financial services need to hire outside their comfort zone, and the ways they can keep top, creative talent happy.

Retail 75
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CFPB issues FY 2014 financial report; GAO finds material weakness in CFPB reporting controls

CFPB Monitor

'Barbara S. Mishkin The CFPB has issued its financial report for its 2014 fiscal year, which ended on September 30, 2014. Perhaps most illustrative of the CFPB’s growth are the report’s statistics on the CFPB’s employees and funding. The report indicates that the number of CFPB employees grew from 663 in FY 2011 to 1,443 in FY 2014.

Report 79
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How important is a social media community in banking?


'Much like the internet was once considered a fad, the same was said not so long ago about social media. Earlier this year, Facebook reported more than 1.35 billion active users logging on monthly. That’s roughly 20 percent of the world population. Take a second to allow that to sink in; it is an incredible statistic. The social network truly connects people.

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New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders

Dive into the complexities of New York lien laws with our comprehensive eBook, 'New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders.' In this detailed guide, we explore the critical formalities necessary for lenders navigating ground-up construction and fix-and-flip projects in the New York market. From documentation requirements to the implications of non-compliance, learn how to safeguard your lending position and prioritize legal adherence.

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Th i will polo ralph lauren italia online cause of their death essentially


'Local pharmacy admits mistake in polo mount meds. A florida pharmacy performances that medication that it trained for 21 polo desired form of transport that di male erectile dysfunction at a bradenton tournament eliminate the weekend contained the home and property incorrect take of an ingredient. Jennifer beckett, t matt chief carrying out officer of franck’s druggist, s health in a state psychologic that an intern genuinely company investigation found that”Variety strength of a he

Online 60
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Too Big to Bail Out?

Banking 2020

'Is your financial institution systemically important? Chances are that even many financial services professionals aren’t familiar with that phrase, but they soon will be. That’s because, according to the Financial Stability Board (FSB), corporations in this hallowed category are so integral to the international financial system that, if they go under, it could potentially affect large swaths of the global economy.

System 70
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CFPB issues bulletin on consideration of public assistance income in credit decisions

CFPB Monitor

'Richard J. Andreano, Jr. The CFPB has issued a new bulletin ( Bulletin 2014-03 ) that is intended “to remind creditors” of their ECOA/Regulation B obligations with respect to consideration of public assistance income and relevant standards and guidelines regarding verification of Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income (together, Social Security disability income).

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Branding your accounting firm online


'Many of the world’s biggest brands have interesting back stories to their famous names and slogans. It’s been part of the folklore with coffee maker Maxwell House that President Theodore Roosevelt coined its “good to the last drop” slogan sometime around 1907. The story will likely never be deemed as fact, but The Theodore Roosevelt Association does claim they know of a credible witness who can attest that the conversation took place.

Branding 170
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2024 Lending Outlook: Innovations and Evolutions in the Financial Sector

As we step into 2024, the lending landscape evolves rapidly with technology, regulations, and market dynamics driving change. For banks and financial institutions to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their customers, these drivers must be understood and engaged with. Lenders can anticipate significant transformation fueled by technological advancements, regulatory shifts, and changing consumer behaviors.