Sat.Dec 06, 2014 - Fri.Dec 12, 2014

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Our 2015 Holiday Gift Guide For You And Your Clients

South State Correspondent

'It is hard to tickle the cockles of a banker’s heart with a holiday gift mostly because most bankers don’t know where the cockles of their heart are. Contrary to what the press might have everyone believe, we do have them and the reality is they are outsized. Banker’s, as a generalization, are among the nicest, most caring, patriotic and honest as you will find in any industry.

Industry 255
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Don’t worry, be happy: Firm-wide benefits of an accounting mentorship program


'Do you recall your first few years post-grad? You may yearn for fewer responsibilities (and wrinkles) and more “free” time of ages 22 through your mid to late 20s, or you may remember it less fondly in a small apartment with many roommates and less in the bank. No matter if that time in your life skews positively or otherwise, your career was in a very different place than it is now.

Resources 236

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Antonio Weiss Not Right for Treasury Post

Finer Points

'Reasonable people can disagree. I’ve always firmly believed that individuals can look at the same set of facts and come to differing conclusions without necessarily holding any lingering animosity or disrespect. So when ICBA announced its strong concerns with the nomination of Antonio Weiss for a leading role at the Treasury Department, we did so […].

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The Resurgence of NFC

Celent Banking

'This is the time of the year when we begin to cast our eye back to 2014 as well as forward to 2015, and reflect on the top trends we are seeing in the market. One of the constants over the last few years in our annual Top Trends in Retail Payments report (coming up again in January 2015) has been our commentary on the ups and (mostly) downs of NFC and contactless payments.

Apple 177
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Live Demo: How to Achieve Reconciliation Zen

Speaker: Nancy Wu, Head of Sales and Customer Success at SkyStem

Automation generally supercharges any process and brings its value to the forefront. See how infusing automation such as ART (our month-end close solution), into your close can get you to the next level of closing. We will share a live demo of SkyStem's solution, ART and share the key elements of month-end close automation. Through ART, we'll take a look at: What month-end close automation entails Which process steps can and should be automated Benefits of achieving process automation, and Why i

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5 Critical Discussions Bank Boards Should Be Having In 2015

South State Correspondent

'2015 is poised to be a critical time for banks. Changing interest rates, credit spreads and industry economics add up to an environment where boards can really make a difference in a bank’s future. Here are five areas that are often overlooked, but are conversations critical to have in the name of good corporate governance: .

Industry 249

More Trending

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CFPB’s proposed boarding form for online consumer complaint company portal now available

CFPB Monitor

'Barbara S. Mishkin Last week, the CFPB published a Federal Register notice stating that it was developing a form to allow companies to “proactively participate” in its online company portal for viewing and responding to consumer complaints. Although the CFPB’s proposed form, the “Company Portal Boarding Form,” was not available when the notice was published, the proposed form as submitted by the CFPB to the Office of Management and Budget can now be viewed.

Online 103
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Celent Banking

'I’ve just returned from my last conference of the year, the excellent and intimate NetFinance Interactive held in rainy (sic) San Diego. I’ve been talking about the importance of emotions, feelings and the ineffable in banking for the last two years, and this conference was the first time that this theme has been widespread among presenters and in conversation.

San Diego 173
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Why Using Budget Goals For Compensation Is Hurting Your Bank

South State Correspondent

'It is an age old tradition in banking that management firsts asks the business lines for their budgets and then takes those budgetary estimates and turns them into revenue and/or profit targets for the sake of compensation. While having sales goals is better than not having goals, basing the goals off budget hurts the budgetary process and results in sub-optimal sales incentive response to drive behavior.

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How the OCC risk governance framework applies to community banks


'In September, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) published final guidelines designed to “strengthen the governance and risk management practices of large financial institutions.” The guidelines apply to institutions with more than $50 billion in assets, and the effective date of the guidance varies by asset size. For institutions over $750 billion, this guidance is effective immediately upon the Nov. 10, 2014 effective date.

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New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders

Dive into the complexities of New York lien laws with our comprehensive eBook, 'New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders.' In this detailed guide, we explore the critical formalities necessary for lenders navigating ground-up construction and fix-and-flip projects in the New York market. From documentation requirements to the implications of non-compliance, learn how to safeguard your lending position and prioritize legal adherence.

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Why Does Kim Kardashian Kick Your Bank's A**?

Jeff For Banks

'I have never heard Kim Kardashian speak. I never watched her show. I don''t know the family story. I can''t name family members beyond Bruce Jenner. Until today, I never searched on her name. But I know who she is. I know she''s pretty. I have heard her claim to fame is an online sex video. I have seen her butt. But not in person. I saw it on a prime time news program.

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CFPB requires credit bureaus to identify furnishers and industries with highest dispute rates and issues study of collections tradelines

CFPB Monitor

'Barbara S. Mishkin In conjunction with its field hearing today on medical debt collection, the CFPB released a study that “describes characteristics of the medical and non-medical collections tradelines on consumers’ credit reports and the processes by which they appear and disappear.” However, what deserves to be the headline grabber is the CFPB’s accompanying announcement that “the major consumer reporting agencies will be required to provide regular accuracy re

Study 95
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How Your Bank Might Be Missing The American Value Creation Hustle

South State Correspondent

'We recently visited Australia in order to experience the culture, domestic beers and visit bank branches (and not necessarily in that order). On the 15-hour plane ride to Sydney we had the luxury of catching up on movies one of which was “American Hustle.

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New Year’s Resolution: Healthier accounting firm growth with a pipeline full of better clients


'If you intended to start a new health regimen after the first of the year, you would start planning for the change, right? Maybe you’d research gym memberships or look into the cost of joining a programmed diet. Perhaps you’d start reading motivational articles to psych yourself up for the new commitment. At a minimum, you’d stock your pantry with healthy food choices or begin making a list for the grocery store.

Meeting 191
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The State of Automation in Financial Services 2024 Report

In this report, you’ll find a comprehensive analysis of survey responses from executives at banks, credit unions, and insurance companies concerning their organization’s current and future use of automation. The report’s key insights include: Which types of automation are saving organizations the most time and money How to overcome the biggest barriers to automation implementation and adoption Why automation investments will continue to grow over the next few years How much you could save in 202

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Oh, Windows XP, It Seems We Hardly Knew Ye


'Yet here we are, months past the April 8, 2014, deadline and you still have a whopping 24% market share. Why does everyone love you and cling to you when there is much better software out there? Why has Microsoft forsaken you? Like most things, there are many reasons for all of these factors. No one simple answer encases all the complications associated with Windows XP migration issues.

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CFPB announces lawsuits against student loan debt relief companies

CFPB Monitor

'Barbara S. Mishkin On December 11, the CFPB announced lawsuits against two student loan debt relief companies alleged to have deceived borrowers into paying upfront fees for federal student loan repayment benefits that are available for free. The action against College Education Services LLC and its individual owners, which was filed jointly by the CFPB and the Florida Attorney General in a Florida federal district court, alleged that the company violated the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR), the

Company 92
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How to become a Digital Bank

ABA Community Banking

'Book Review: Handbook suits both Digital Aliens and Digital Natives Management Lines of Business Technology Core Systems Vendor Management Blogs Books for Bankers.

Handbook 100
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Expanding credit portfolios: 3 Growing pains


'Community banks are expanding their loan portfolios to include more small business loans, according to the most recent Community Bank Performance report by the FDIC. Loans across categories increased, with commercial and industrial loans growing at the fastest rate, roughly 5.3 percent over the 3rd quarter of 2013. These expansions can come with growing pains, including identifying new customers to whom the bank can make loans, creating more rigorous and objective credit analysis policies and t

Training 170
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2024 Lending Outlook: Innovations and Evolutions in the Financial Sector

As we step into 2024, the lending landscape evolves rapidly with technology, regulations, and market dynamics driving change. For banks and financial institutions to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their customers, these drivers must be understood and engaged with. Lenders can anticipate significant transformation fueled by technological advancements, regulatory shifts, and changing consumer behaviors.

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Keeping the Holiday Bright and Online Banking Fraud Free

Jack Henry

'Author: Allen Eaves, Jr., The holidays are here and with all the cheer and bustle of the season’s festivities comes an ugly annual uptick in fraud instances. Often the scurry to find the best gifts at the best deals creates the perfect environment for the cyber equivalent of the Grinch to do his worst.

Fraud 83
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AFSA responds to state AG call for arbitration limits

CFPB Monitor

'Alan S. Kaplinsky and Mark J. Levin The American Financial Services Association (AFSA) has sent a letter to Director Cordray responding to the letter sent to him last month by 16 Democratic state attorneys general calling on the CFPB to limit the use of pre-dispute arbitration in agreements for consumer financial products or services. In its letter, AFSA challenges the accuracy of various assertions made by the state AGs.

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Dinosaurs knew a thing or two about email

Matt Wilcox Pro

'Email Marketing Lessons from the Direct Mail Dark Ages Part 2: The Good From the moment the U.S. Constitution gave Congress the power to establish post offices, marketers went to work learning how to make direct mail pay. Over time, direct mail marketers began noting techniques that seemed to work most often and on a [.

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How to establish policies for a sound MBL program


'After developing an MBL strategy, the next step is to define lending policies to ensure the success of the strategy. This will help to satisfy regulatory requirements and alleviate unnecessary pressure on employees by reducing subjectivity in the loan decisioning process. When developing institution-specific policies, be sure to pay careful attention to the following policy areas: • Cash flow analysis.

Policies 150
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Thinking About How To Lessen Your Burden During Month-End Close? Skystem Can Help!

Most people dread the nearing of the month-end close and reconciliation process, and who can blame them? It's typically a tedious, long, stressful process; but it doesn't have to be. Implementing automation into your month-end process can significantly reduce this headache by automating up to 40% of your reconciliation and saving nearly 30% of your time spent.

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The unending identity theft problem: focus must expand from access prevention to consumer empowerment

Javelin Strategy & Research

'The Target data breach is just one in an unending series of privacy exposures that create anger, disbelief and fear. Yet just as sure as it was not the first, it won’t be the last and trying to hold back unauthorized access to private data is akin to trying to hold back the sea. Yes we need better data security, and industry initiatives like PCI are vital to doing so, but with increased automation more individuals, applications and connected devices will create more access requirements, i

Fraud 71
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Director Cordray provides update on CFPB’s public library partnerships

CFPB Monitor

'Barbara S. Mishkin In his remarks last week at the Columbus Metropolitan Library, Director Cordray spoke about the partnerships that the CFPB is building with public libraries around the country to promote accessible financial education information for consumers. Director Cordray noted that the Columbus Metropolitan Library system was one of the first nine public libraries from across the country that joined the CFPB’s national pilot project.

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The Cashless Top 10

Tomorrow's Transactions

'How are a we doing on the road to digital money? Here’s a round the world, whistlestop tour of some countries who seem to be pulling ahead of the pack in the race to a fairer and more efficient economy. Someone sent me a link to an article about world cashlessness on CNBC. It uses the results of MasterCard report to make a top 10 list of countries heading towards cashless economies.

Cards 66
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What’s new with neobanks?

ABA Community Banking

'App-only banks remain on the cusp—for now Retail Banking Blogs Making Sense of it All Channels.

Retail 72
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Digital Transformation: Accelerating ROI and Growth in Commercial Lending

Now is the time for lenders to prioritize their digital transformation initiatives in preparation for the lending rebound. Rising competition and ever-increasing customer demands for speed and efficiency are forcing financial institutions to embrace digital transformation. This shift can feel overwhelming—where do you begin? This infographic illustrates automation demands and shows you how loan document automation serves as an essential step to increase profits and provide the best lending exper