Sat.Jul 25, 2015 - Fri.Jul 31, 2015

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Understanding A Bank Loan’s Debt Service And Probability Of Default (2015)

South State Correspondent

Few banking school classes teach the finer points of loan structuring these days. This is a mistake as loan production is so competitive and spreads so thin that inexperienced lenders are at a distinct disadvantage. Last week, for example, we were discussing a loan here at CenterState and we determined the downside (stressed) case in a particular commercial real estate loan’s cash flows was a 0.8x debt service coverage ratio (DSCR).

Examples 224
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The deception of capital expenditure and working capital in business valuation


The demand for business valuations continues to grow with the improvement of the economy and the rise of baby boomer retirement. Performing high quality valuations has become more important than ever before to meet client expectations and compete in the industry. To reach the true value of a company, one must have a comprehensive understanding of each factor that goes into the calculation.

Capital 175

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Banks are asking the wrong customer engagement question

Celent Banking

I have heard banks ask, “How to we use digital channels to bring traffic into the branch?”. The rational is straightforward. After years of promoting self-service channels, branch foot traffic is declining – along with the sales opportunities that foot traffic represents. It’s a logical question, but the wrong question. A better question would be, “How do we enable effective customer engagement on their terms regardless of the channels involved?

Survey 159
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Global Structural Reform – Getting the Big Picture View


My previous post introduced Global Structural Reform (GSR) and how new regulatory and compliance concerns are fundamentally changing the nature of the financial services marketplace. Developing big-picture insight around the trends inherent in GSR can go a very long way. Read more.

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Case Study: First Mid Bank Fast-Tracks New Market Entry in Commercial Lending

Discover First Mid Bank's Expansion Success with Our Case Study! Discover how First Mid Bank & Trust fast-tracked market expansion through advanced automation and compliance solutions. This case study reveals their journey from facing challenges in Texas' complex legal landscape to achieving rapid market entry with GoDocs' innovative commercial closing platform.

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Reflections On Our Culture Here At CenterState Bank

South State Correspondent

Recently, Toshiba Corporation made the news for inflating earnings by at least $1.2B over the last seven years. Executives had to resign in disgrace. We are not interested in casting aspersions at Toshiba, but we do believe that at least one reason for this corporate governance failure is a lack of appropriate corporate values. The company’s public core statement is “Committed to people and to the future.

Regional 207

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Biometric Technology on the Rise for Authentication and Payments

Jack Henry

Author: Penny Webb , There has been a lot of talk (and some actual movement) in the financial service industry around the increased use of biometrics. The use of biometrics as a layer of security has long been an option for authentication efforts initiated from a personal computer, but there was lackluster acceptance in most segments of the payments industry.

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You Don’t Know Jack!


I was telling a friend of mine–a senior executive at a mid-size credit union–why many banks and credit unions deceive themselves when they say their competitive advantage is their superior level of service (if you want to know why, see this and this ). My friend said: “You don’t get it. We do have superior service. It comes down to knowing our members better than any mega-bank could ever know them.”.

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When Bad Product Lines Happen To Good Banks

South State Correspondent

Now that we have officially kicked off strategic planning season, it is time for all banks to review their lines of businesses to see where they want to add or subtract capital over the next several years. Running a profitable bank is a simple equation of more profitable products to more profitable customers in a profitable way. Unfortunately, there are many banks with this equation exactly backwards – they try to sell unprofitable products to unprofitable customers through an inefficient proces

Capital 199
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Loan underwriting and administration remain a top concern of bank examiners


In its semiannual report last month, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) noted that the banking industry has loosened its standards for underwriting loans, bolstering the credit risk for financial institutions. While an increase in risk might be a red flag to the regulatory agencies, the reason many banks, particularly smaller institutions, have lowered their underwriting standards for auto, home or commercial real estate loans is simply to be able to compete in the changing indu

Survey 150
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Exploring the Liability Shift: A Comprehensive Guide to Fraud Loss Responsibility and Mitigation

Shifting liability for digital fraud losses represents a significant challenge for financial institutions and payment service providers. In response to the global surge in digital fraud, regulators are introducing policies that transfer the cost of fraud from defrauded customers to financial institutions. ThreatMark’s newly released white paper, "The Liability Shift: Understanding Fraud Losses Responsibility and Mitigation," provides an in-depth analysis of this shift, its implications, and stra

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House Financial Services Committee passes CFPB-related bills including bill creating TRID Rule hold harmless period

CFPB Monitor

Richard J. Andreano, Jr. and Barbara S. Mishkin. Yesterday, the following four CFPB-related bills were passed by the House Financial Services Committee : H.R. 3192 , the “Homebuyers Assistance Act”: The bill would provide a hold harmless period for the TILA/RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) rule that is scheduled to go into effect on October 3, 2015.

Study 94
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Powering-Up Tools: Your Education Resources

Independent Banker

An interview with Lindsay LaNore, executive vice president, Community Banker University®. Meet ICBA’s Education Program Contact. Lindsay LaNore. Email: Phone: (800) 422-7285. Lindsay LaNore is responsible for ICBA’s new Community Banker University. She leads a team that works to identify, develop and offer courses that meet community banks’ educational needs.

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Bank of America Trends In Consumer Mobility

South State Correspondent

Bank of America just released their second annual “Bank of America Trends in Consumer Mobility Report” and it shows consumer’s growing reliance on smartphones. The report finds that 38% of respondents are never away from their phones and only 7% entirely shut down on vacation. In addition, 36% of smartphone users check their phone constantly while 89% of adults check their smartphones at least several times per day.

America 199
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Avoiding the pitfalls of analytical procedures


By definition, analytical procedures is a process of analytically detecting ways to decrease time and increase efficiency. This process can appear daunting at times because of the numerous comparisons of financial information that must be made when working on a client’s statements. The overall goal for an auditor is to identify unusual or unexpected balances as well as areas of discrepancy that could jeopardize the o the financial health of a client.

Analytics 150
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Live Demo: How to Achieve Reconciliation Zen

Speaker: Nancy Wu, Head of Sales and Customer Success at SkyStem

Automation generally supercharges any process and brings its value to the forefront. See how infusing automation such as ART (our month-end close solution), into your close can get you to the next level of closing. We will share a live demo of SkyStem's solution, ART and share the key elements of month-end close automation. Through ART, we'll take a look at: What month-end close automation entails Which process steps can and should be automated Benefits of achieving process automation, and Why i

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Defense Department dramatically expands scope of Military Lending Act

CFPB Monitor

Barbara S. Mishkin. The Department of Defense (DoD) dramatically expanded the scope of the Military Lending Act (MLA) on July 22, 2015, publishing its Final Rule amending the MLA’s implementing regulation. The DoD consulted with the CFPB in developing the Final Rule, and the CFPB actively supported the DoD’s plans to expand MLA coverage. MLA coverage was previously limited to only three types of consumer credit extended to active-duty service members and their dependents: closed-end payda

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Powering-Up Tools: Your Marketing and Communications Resources

Independent Banker

An interview with Chris Lorence, ICBA’s executive vice president and chief marketing officer. Meet ICBA’s Marketing and Communications Contact. Chris Lorence. Email: Phone: (800) 422-8439. Chris Lorence is responsible for continuously fortifying ICBA’s brand and refining the association’s voice to stay consistently relevant with members and policymakers.

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Should Your Bank Offer Customized Checking?

South State Correspondent

Several banks offer a retail or business checking account that you can customize to your liking. In fact, BBVA Compass just rolled out their customized checking offering this quarter called “Clear Choice Checking.” The advantage is clear in that you give the customer the option to pick and choose what account attributes would give them the most value.

Retail 188
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“Treat”: A Clinkle in Time

Matt Wilcox Pro

Whatever happened to Clinkle? You may recall not long ago when an app by the name of Clinkle was on the tip of every tongue in the payments industry. The brainchild of wunderkind Lucas Duplan, Clinkle looked to be a game changer. No longer. According to Forbes, the company is struggling, losing dollars and employees [.

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The State of Automation in Financial Services 2024 Report

In this report, you’ll find a comprehensive analysis of survey responses from executives at banks, credit unions, and insurance companies concerning their organization’s current and future use of automation. The report’s key insights include: Which types of automation are saving organizations the most time and money How to overcome the biggest barriers to automation implementation and adoption Why automation investments will continue to grow over the next few years How much you could save in 202

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Challenge to CFPB’s constitutionality reemerges

CFPB Monitor

Barbara S. Mishkin. The issue of the CFPB’s constitutionality reemerged last week in court and Congress. On the judicial front, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, in State National Bank of Big Spring, Texas, et al. v. Lew, et al. , reversed the district court and ruled that the bank had standing to challenge the constitutionality of the CFPB and Director Cordray’s recess appointment.

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Advocacy at the Grassroots: Improving State Statutes

Independent Banker

Amending Louisiana’s laws to better address financial crimes, electronic documents and unclaimed property. By Robert Taylor. Since 2008 the Louisiana Bankers Association has sponsored more than 50 pieces of state legislation to help Louisiana community banks and their customers. After the financial crisis, the LBA, working closely with the LBA Government Relations Council, which is comprised of every member bank using a one-bank, one-vote process, has been able to deregulate numerous fees banks

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5 Ways to Avoid Banking Security Risks

Banking 2020

Given the targeted activism of hackers who have seen quick successes in massive hacks, now more than ever, banking security has been questioned. The latest reports of hacking of crucial customer data happened with Sony while JP Morgan Chase saw a devastating hacking episode. The trust that people have in banks comes in question even when a minor discrepancy is seen in a bank’s standards of security.

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Sticker Shock – EMV’s Educational Elephant in the Room

Javelin Strategy & Research

“Good morning, Mr. Biggins and welcome to Northern Citizens Bank and Trust Bank. How may I help you?”. “Hi, um, good morning. I’ve just got a new bank card in the mail and it’s got a sticker on it that won’t come off. Could you help me?”. “Certainly Mr. Biggins. What seems to be the trouble?”. “Well, I’ve followed the instructions, called the number to activate the card but I can’t seem to get the sticker off.”.

Cards 56
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New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders

Dive into the complexities of New York lien laws with our comprehensive eBook, 'New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders.' In this detailed guide, we explore the critical formalities necessary for lenders navigating ground-up construction and fix-and-flip projects in the New York market. From documentation requirements to the implications of non-compliance, learn how to safeguard your lending position and prioritize legal adherence.

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CFPB Speaks Out on Behalf of Disabled Veterans

CFPB Monitor

Kim Phan. In a blog post on the CFPB website, the CFPB advocated on behalf of veterans with service-connected disabilities, who face obstacles when transitioning back to civilian life and working to become financially secure. The CFPB emphasized that individuals with disabilities have the right to fair treatment in the financial marketplace and access to tools that can help them improve their financial lives.

Lending 86
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Advocacy at the Grassroots: Data, Debit and Docs

Independent Banker

In Texas, data security, debit card surcharges and compensation for records searches become legislative issues. By Steve Scurlock. Throughout the 84th Texas legislative session this year, the Independent Bankers Association of Texas focused on several proactive agenda items intended to address issues of importance as directed by IBAT’s legislative committee and board of directors.

Data 77
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FCRA—a sleeping regulation awakes

ABA Community Banking

Everyone in the credit reporting chain’s on the hook now—including banks Retail Banking Compliance CFPB.

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Sticker Shock - EMV’s Educational Elephant in the Room

Javelin Strategy & Research

“Good morning, Mr. Biggins and welcome to Northern Citizens Bank and Trust Bank. How may I help you?” “Hi, um, good morning. I’ve just got a new bank card in the mail and it’s got a sticker on it that won’t come off. Could you help me?” “Certainly Mr. Biggins. What seems to be the trouble?” “Well, I’ve followed the instructions, called the number to activate the card but I can’t seem to get the sticker off.

Cards 40
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2024 Lending Outlook: Innovations and Evolutions in the Financial Sector

As we step into 2024, the lending landscape evolves rapidly with technology, regulations, and market dynamics driving change. For banks and financial institutions to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their customers, these drivers must be understood and engaged with. Lenders can anticipate significant transformation fueled by technological advancements, regulatory shifts, and changing consumer behaviors.