December, 2014

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The Perfect Bank Customer Appreciation Event

South State Correspondent

'This week, we spoke on the future of business at one of the best bank customer events we have attended. CTBC Bank ($2.3B, CA) put on a stellar show and today we break down the events elements that will give you some ideas for your next customer “thank you” lunch. No matter what your budget or bank asset size, the goal is to create an event that is focused on the customer, but subtly highlights the achievements and capabilities of the bank. .

CA 286
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Don’t worry, be happy: Firm-wide benefits of an accounting mentorship program


'Do you recall your first few years post-grad? You may yearn for fewer responsibilities (and wrinkles) and more “free” time of ages 22 through your mid to late 20s, or you may remember it less fondly in a small apartment with many roommates and less in the bank. No matter if that time in your life skews positively or otherwise, your career was in a very different place than it is now.

Resources 238

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What does “Digital” mean in banking?

Celent Banking

'Everyone in banking is talking about “Digital.” Celent has hosted fascinating roundtables on the topic, and it’s the basis of one of our three themes. And yet, there’s a startling lack of consensus on what Digital means. There’s a famous proverb of a group of people in a dark room who touch different parts of an elephant; each describes a completely different experience.

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Antonio Weiss Not Right for Treasury Post

Finer Points

'Reasonable people can disagree. I’ve always firmly believed that individuals can look at the same set of facts and come to differing conclusions without necessarily holding any lingering animosity or disrespect. So when ICBA announced its strong concerns with the nomination of Antonio Weiss for a leading role at the Treasury Department, we did so […].

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Live Demo: How to Achieve Reconciliation Zen

Speaker: Nancy Wu, Head of Sales and Customer Success at SkyStem

Automation generally supercharges any process and brings its value to the forefront. See how infusing automation such as ART (our month-end close solution), into your close can get you to the next level of closing. We will share a live demo of SkyStem's solution, ART and share the key elements of month-end close automation. Through ART, we'll take a look at: What month-end close automation entails Which process steps can and should be automated Benefits of achieving process automation, and Why i

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Now You're Speaking My Language!

SWBC's LenderHub

'When coaching our financial institution clients on how to sell SWBC’s products (like GAP, MMP, credit life insurance, etc.), our training team encourages participants to provide ongoing feedback. We want to know if the tactics and messaging we taught them worked in a real-life sales situation—and, more importantly, we want to know if they didn’t work.

Training 144

More Trending

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How Lean Six Sigma Can Help Your Bank

South State Correspondent

'When we tell banks they need to get to a 35% efficiency ratio to be competitive in the future they look at us like we are crazier than an outhouse rat. Let’s set the branch debate aside (the largest functional cost area) as that is basically a philosophical argument. Let’s just look at your next largest functional cost – loan processing. We get challenged all the time by banks telling us they are “already at full capacity” and “we are already lean.

US 278
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Lending standards slip, risk increasing according to OCC


'Lending standards continue to relax, according to data from the OCC’s 2014 Survey of Credit Underwriting Practices. This type of easing is similar to that experienced between 2004 and 2006, the time period leading up to the financial crisis, which many attribute to inadequate lending standards. Source: OCC 2014 Survey of Credit Underwriting Practices, December 2014.

Lending 225
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The Resurgence of NFC

Celent Banking

'This is the time of the year when we begin to cast our eye back to 2014 as well as forward to 2015, and reflect on the top trends we are seeing in the market. One of the constants over the last few years in our annual Top Trends in Retail Payments report (coming up again in January 2015) has been our commentary on the ups and (mostly) downs of NFC and contactless payments.

Apple 177
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Big Banks’ Swaps Push-Out Repeal Is a Pyrrhic Victory

Finer Points

'The following post first appeared on American Banker’s BankThink blog. It is reprinted below with American Banker’s permission. By Cornelius Hurley Dec. 18, 2014 In his impactful book Don’t Think of an Elephant, cognitive scientist George Lakoff illustrates how framing a discussion from the beginning is key to winning the argument. No one has learned […].

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New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders

Dive into the complexities of New York lien laws with our comprehensive eBook, 'New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders.' In this detailed guide, we explore the critical formalities necessary for lenders navigating ground-up construction and fix-and-flip projects in the New York market. From documentation requirements to the implications of non-compliance, learn how to safeguard your lending position and prioritize legal adherence.

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Apple Pay from the Front Lines


'It’s been a good three weeks since the new iPhone 6 arrived in the mail. It was a bittersweet moment as I had regretfully given up my iPhone 4S, primarily out of the geeky obsession that it was rumored to be the last product in which Steve Jobs was able to oversee development from start to finish. True or not, it led me to keep that phone much longer than my Samsung-loving family could bear.

Apple 106
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Congress votes unanimously to extend SCRA one-year foreclosure protection period

CFPB Monitor

'Anthony C. Kaye Congress has unanimously approved legislation to extend until January 2016 a provision of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) that prohibits foreclosing on a servicemember’s house for one year following the servicemember’s return from active duty. The CFPB has made SCRA compliance a priority issue. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse proposed S.2404 , known as the Foreclosure Relief and Extension for Servicemembers Act of 2014, last May.

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Our 2015 Holiday Gift Guide For You And Your Clients

South State Correspondent

'It is hard to tickle the cockles of a banker’s heart with a holiday gift mostly because most bankers don’t know where the cockles of their heart are. Contrary to what the press might have everyone believe, we do have them and the reality is they are outsized. Banker’s, as a generalization, are among the nicest, most caring, patriotic and honest as you will find in any industry.

Industry 255
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3 Percent down payments and risk to lenders


'Many would point to imprudent lending standards as a leading cause of the financial crisis of 2008, and in turn, financial institution regulators have since bolstered lending standards and capital thresholds as a preventive measure against a similar crisis. But recent news from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac might suggest that the market is inching closer towards pre-recession lending practices.

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The State of Automation in Financial Services 2024 Report

In this report, you’ll find a comprehensive analysis of survey responses from executives at banks, credit unions, and insurance companies concerning their organization’s current and future use of automation. The report’s key insights include: Which types of automation are saving organizations the most time and money How to overcome the biggest barriers to automation implementation and adoption Why automation investments will continue to grow over the next few years How much you could save in 202

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Celent Banking

'I’ve just returned from my last conference of the year, the excellent and intimate NetFinance Interactive held in rainy (sic) San Diego. I’ve been talking about the importance of emotions, feelings and the ineffable in banking for the last two years, and this conference was the first time that this theme has been widespread among presenters and in conversation.

San Diego 173
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Predicting the Future? Digital Banking in 2015

Banking 2020

'As 2014 comes to an end, we’ve been reviewing the trends, articles and news that kept us talking this past year and started thinking about what will come in 2015. As readers, you indicated your interest in this year’s top trends on the site including financial regulations on marijuana , banking profitability , online-only banks and the mobile banking revolution.

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Why the Facebook of Banking won’t own a charter

Banking 4 Tomorrow

'2014 was the biggest year in FinTech by far with billions being invested globally, which is to be expected in a global growth sector. But how much was invested globally in FinTech this year? It depends on how you classify FinTech. StrategyEye estimated that there was $2.8Bn raised in 2014 via venture capital investments in […].

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Prepaid card proposal published

CFPB Monitor

'Barbara S. Mishkin With the publication of the CFPB’s proposed prepaid card rule in today’s Federal Register , the clock is now running on filing comments. Comments must be filed on or before March 23, 2015. The CFPB had issued the proposal on November 13. As published in the Federal Register, the proposal is reduced from its original length of 870 pages to a “mere” 234 pages.

Cards 111
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2024 Lending Outlook: Innovations and Evolutions in the Financial Sector

As we step into 2024, the lending landscape evolves rapidly with technology, regulations, and market dynamics driving change. For banks and financial institutions to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their customers, these drivers must be understood and engaged with. Lenders can anticipate significant transformation fueled by technological advancements, regulatory shifts, and changing consumer behaviors.

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5 Critical Discussions Bank Boards Should Be Having In 2015

South State Correspondent

'2015 is poised to be a critical time for banks. Changing interest rates, credit spreads and industry economics add up to an environment where boards can really make a difference in a bank’s future. Here are five areas that are often overlooked, but are conversations critical to have in the name of good corporate governance: .

Industry 249
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'The allowance for loan and lease losses is a pivotal part of a financial institution’s well-being. While regulatory guidance outlines the framework for the methodology, institutions can be at a loss for resources regarding more granular details of the ALLL calculation: • What steps can I take to reduce regulatory scrutiny? • How will impending regulatory changes impact my methodology, and how should I prepare?

Resources 225
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Moven inks deal with TD Bank – For PFM?

Celent Banking

'The rumors have been swirling for some time now that Moven was going to sign up a Canadian bank. This was announced today and I read about it in The Globe and Mail. Curiously, the article is titled, “ TD Bank helps its customers pinch pennies with new app.” What does this mean exactly for Moven and TD? Is TD going to start a digital only bank/account or are they merely going to add PFM capabilities?

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Oh, Windows XP, It Seems We Hardly Knew Ye


'Yet here we are, months past the April 8, 2014, deadline and you still have a whopping 24% market share. Why does everyone love you and cling to you when there is much better software out there? Why has Microsoft forsaken you? Like most things, there are many reasons for all of these factors. No one simple answer encases all the complications associated with Windows XP migration issues.

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Addressing Top Enterprise Challenges in Generative AI with DataRobot

The buzz around generative AI shows no sign of abating in the foreseeable future. Enterprise interest in the technology is high, and the market is expected to gain momentum as organizations move from prototypes to actual project deployments. Ultimately, the market will demand an extensive ecosystem, and tools will need to streamline data and model utilization and management across multiple environments.

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Year End Message to Community Financial Institutions

Jeff For Banks

'Thank you, my readers, for taking the time to read Jeff For Banks. I appreciate all of you. If you were curious why I enjoy working with community financial institutions, below is my weak attempt at explaining myself. Hey, I recorded while on vacation, so there''s that! But the over-riding message is: Let''s go get the big boys in 2015! Happy New Year everyone!

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CFPB announces pilot to promote consumer savings

CFPB Monitor

'Barbara S. Mishkin Through its Project Catalyst , the CFPB’s initiative for facilitating innovation in consumer-friendly financial products and services, the CFPB has announced a new research pilot using insights from behavioral economics and an American Express trial program to evaluate the effectiveness of certain practices to encourage prepaid card users to develop regular saving behavior.

Maine 111
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Why Using Budget Goals For Compensation Is Hurting Your Bank

South State Correspondent

'It is an age old tradition in banking that management firsts asks the business lines for their budgets and then takes those budgetary estimates and turns them into revenue and/or profit targets for the sake of compensation. While having sales goals is better than not having goals, basing the goals off budget hurts the budgetary process and results in sub-optimal sales incentive response to drive behavior.

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What to get for the accountant who has everything


'The “most wonderful time of the year” is officially in hyper drive. The hand-print turkeys are now a distant memory and you’ve fought your way out of the Thanksgiving food coma. Before you know it, you’ll be ringing in 2015 and busy season will have you funneling coffee instead of sipping on egg nog. But not before the annual office holiday party.

Phoenix 211
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Need Curated Pre-foreclosure Lists to Generate New Real Estate Leads? Trellis Has the Data!

Trellis is a state trial court research and analytics platform that provides Real Estate Professionals (Buyers, Foreclosure, Loan Modification, etc.) with LEADS on Pre-Foreclosures, Lis Pendes, Distressed Assets and more — to help uncover **new** opportunities and grow their business. The process is quick and easy — and all in real time. Trellis will supply you with a link to the relevant dockets, a Leads sheet and access to its UI where applicable.