Sat.Oct 25, 2014 - Fri.Oct 31, 2014

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Top mistakes accountants are making with existing clients


'Singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell was referring to environmental impacts when she sang, “Don’t it always seem to go/That you don’t know what you’ve got/Till it’s gone” in "Big Yellow Taxi." But chances are, many accountants have the same thought after a client leaves the practice – especially someone who was with the firm for several years.

Taxes 284
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What The New Risk Retention Rules Mean For Community Banks

South State Correspondent

'Last week the boys and girls at the Joint Regulators (The FFIEC, plus SEC, HUD and others) rolled out the final rule (Final Rule) set (found HERE ) that structures risk retention under Section 941 of the Dodd-Frank Act for bank assets destined for securitizations.


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The Clearing House and Real-Time Payments

Celent Banking

'The game is afoot! The announcement from The Clearing House regarding real-time payments last week came as no surprise – indeed, it felt inevitable. The Federal Reserves’ significant work around the topic, and their clear determination that it would happen, seems a clear indication that they wouldn’t rest until it was delivered. The question then is how will it be delivered.

Payments 169
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15 Minutes With … Josh Guttau

Independent Banker

'Josh Guttau believes that the long-term competitiveness of community banks will heavily depend on their having great analytical skills and technology. Josh Guttau in Iowa on making decisions with data. Josh Guttau. CEO and Chief Financial Officer. of the $290 Million-Asset. TS Banking Group in Treynor, Iowa. IB: What single word best describes the current community banking industry?

Iowa 128
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Live Demo: How to Achieve Reconciliation Zen

Speaker: Nancy Wu, Head of Sales and Customer Success at SkyStem

Automation generally supercharges any process and brings its value to the forefront. See how infusing automation such as ART (our month-end close solution), into your close can get you to the next level of closing. We will share a live demo of SkyStem's solution, ART and share the key elements of month-end close automation. Through ART, we'll take a look at: What month-end close automation entails Which process steps can and should be automated Benefits of achieving process automation, and Why i

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Spotlight on lending: Preparing for Q3 bank reports


'With the fourth quarter of 2014 well underway, both banks and credit unions are in the midst of reporting their results from the previous three months. While Q3 reports will trickle in over the coming days to meet the end of October deadline, a crucial piece of the puzzle the financial community and economists will be looking at is loan growth rates.

Lending 248

More Trending

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Are security fears hindering corporate mobile banking adoption?

Celent Banking

'Corporate mobile has been a popular topic for a number of years now. While many banks have launched solutions, corporate adoption has stagnated. 66% of respondents to a Capital One survey indicated. “security challenges with sensitive corporate data” as their number one barrier to adoption. There are other reasons for slow adoption of corporate mobile, but this one is quite interesting and can be challenging to overcome.

Mobile 167
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Good News from Gen Next

Independent Banker

'Out of Mom and Dad’s basement, millennials are primed to become your next best customers. By Ed Avis. Meet Jack Bauhs, your next customer. He’s a high school senior who lives in suburban Chicago. He is aware of the value of shopping local, he carries $10 or $15 in his pocket, and he knows that he has a lot to learn about financial things. And technology is important to him.

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Accountants win more clients doing these 3 things


'Have you ever wondered why your accounting firm lost out on a recent engagement? Do you get frustrated when clients show little interest in utilizing the firm’s additional services that are offered? A lot of accountants may assume that they lost a potential client because another firm presented a lower estimate. Or it may seem as though a client is too stubborn to consider thoughtfully the benefits of receiving strategic advice or financial planning assistance.

Groups 247
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Do You Have Bank Customer Baldness?

South State Correspondent

'About 70% of all men have worried about genetically programmed hair loss since the days of Julius Caesar (who incidentally had a serious comb over). As a man ages, somewhere around his early twenties, hair loss takes place and no amount of Rogain, head massages, Cayenne pepper rub or goose dropping treatment can replace it. Similar to Male Pattern Baldness, some banks are genetically programmed to lose younger customers.

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New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders

Dive into the complexities of New York lien laws with our comprehensive eBook, 'New York Lien Law Essentials: 5 Key Facts for Commercial Lenders.' In this detailed guide, we explore the critical formalities necessary for lenders navigating ground-up construction and fix-and-flip projects in the New York market. From documentation requirements to the implications of non-compliance, learn how to safeguard your lending position and prioritize legal adherence.

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Asian Vendors Looking to Pivot

Celent Banking

'I’ve just returned from a two-week swing through Asia, with stops and roundtables in Tokyo, Singapore, Melbourne and Sydney. Along with my colleague Neil Katkov I was fortunate to meet a large number of clients and market participants, both banks and their ecosystem partners, in a series of more than two dozen meetings. In each country Celent hosted a half-day session on digital innovation.

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Getting Mobile Ready

Independent Banker

'Finding the right place, at the right pace in a volatile and uncertain mobile marketplace. By Collin Canright. It’s become a familiar story, usually with a new splash. Large banks and nonbanks, merchants and technology companies are pressing to solidify their inroads into the financial transaction business. Research and everyday observation show how consumers are increasingly using mobile technologies.

Mobile 105
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OCC outlines risk plan as Northeastern loan growth doubles


'Multifamily, commercial and automotive loans are driving loan growth among banks in the Northeast, but increasing risk will draw fresh attention from regulators to ensure recent and future growth is sound, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency said recently. The OCC on Oct. 28 released a report detailing substantially improving conditions among OCC-regulated banks in its Northeastern District, defined as Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, eastern Kentucky, Maine, Maryland,

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Pricing Loans In Relationship To Your Bank's Cost of Funds

South State Correspondent

'Banking is competitive. Luckily, community banks have a number of competitive advantages over national banks. However, if you ask the average banker, it doesn’t feel that way, particularly when it comes to loan pricing and community banks are forced to compete against 10-year, 3.90% fixed rate loans. Then again, many community bankers state that they cannot compete against the national banks because of higher cost of funding.

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The State of Automation in Financial Services 2024 Report

In this report, you’ll find a comprehensive analysis of survey responses from executives at banks, credit unions, and insurance companies concerning their organization’s current and future use of automation. The report’s key insights include: Which types of automation are saving organizations the most time and money How to overcome the biggest barriers to automation implementation and adoption Why automation investments will continue to grow over the next few years How much you could save in 202

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¿Dónde está Waldo?

Jack Henry

'Author: Jason Schwabline, Like looking for Waldo in a crowded scene, everyone in the financial industry is searching for the ultimate branch of the future. But are we looking too close to ourselves? Hoping that it miraculously appears right in front of us? Well I am not a psychic, but I have seen the branch of the future.

Community 107
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Among the Last to Leave

Independent Banker

'First Lieutenant Jeff Sabatke (back row, third from left) and the 3rd Platoon “Punishers” with A Company 20135 at Camp Adder in Iraq in 2011. Taking care of soldiers in Iraq before serving customers back home in Minnesota. By Jeff Sabatke. I was one of the last thousand troops out of Iraq, and this is my story as a U.S. Army Infantry Platoon leader who became a community banking manager.

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Caution! 3 Blood-curdling ways to stop your accounting firm’s growth dead in its tracks


'1. Be eerily similar to your competitors. Many accountants will come to the spooky realization that firms who compete in the same market will likely have the same basic offerings, mostly because accounting services are pretty standard across the board. And while your firm’s qualifications and experience may be fantastic, the truth is, it’s unlikely your prospects and customers can see much difference between yours and those of top competitors.

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The New Lean, Wired, Changing World of Human Resources


'“After finding no qualified candidates for the position of principal, the school board is extremely pleased to announce the appointment of [David S.] to the post.” - Actual announcement sent to parents. Last week, I had the pleasure of spending two days with a group of nine HR managers at a GonzoBanker Roundtable discussing their successes, challenges and issues.

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2024 Lending Outlook: Innovations and Evolutions in the Financial Sector

As we step into 2024, the lending landscape evolves rapidly with technology, regulations, and market dynamics driving change. For banks and financial institutions to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their customers, these drivers must be understood and engaged with. Lenders can anticipate significant transformation fueled by technological advancements, regulatory shifts, and changing consumer behaviors.

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Former CFPB examiner-in-charge Bo Ranney joins Ballard Spahr and will share his insights in a Dec. 9 webinar

CFPB Monitor

'Alan S. Kaplinsky I am pleased to introduce my new colleague Bo Ranney to our blog readers. Bo joins Ballard Spahr’s Consumer Financial Services Group after having spent three years at the CFPB. I expect Bo to be a valuable resource to our clients, particularly in preparing for CFPB exams and in dealing with CFPB examiners during the course of an ongoing exam.

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Right-Sized Communications

Independent Banker

'Thinking ‘mobile’ for customer emails will ensure the message gets through. By Elizabeth Judd. Roughly half of all emails sent to consumers are now being opened on a mobile device, according to projections by Knotice Inc., an advanced data management company in Akron, Ohio, that periodically studies how companies’ emails are read. Patti Renner, Knotice’s director of marketing, points out that this news should concern any community bank that is not sending out mobile optimized emails, or emails

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Guest blog post: Protecting yourself online


'The majority of professionals love technology. It makes not only your personal life easier, but running your small business or CPA firm, too. But when is too much technology just too much? Sageworks asked Don West, a member of the AICPA''s Information Management and Technology Assurance Section''s CITP Credential Committee the best ways to protect one''s self and business online. --.

Online 199
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FI Highlight: Banner Bank

Banking 2020

'Financial institutions are always looking for new ways to attract customers and give the best look and feel to their brand. For our most recent FI Highlight, we spoke with Dianne Larsen, senior vice president, director of marketing, Banner Bank. Dianne shared insight on Banner Bank’s recently redesigned website and new marketing initiatives to further their approach as a “ super community bank.”.

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Thinking About How To Lessen Your Burden During Month-End Close? Skystem Can Help!

Most people dread the nearing of the month-end close and reconciliation process, and who can blame them? It's typically a tedious, long, stressful process; but it doesn't have to be. Implementing automation into your month-end process can significantly reduce this headache by automating up to 40% of your reconciliation and saving nearly 30% of your time spent.

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CFPB posts 2015 final lists of rural and rural or underserved counties

CFPB Monitor

'Richard J. Andreano, Jr. The CFPB has posted its 2015 final lists of Rural and Rural or Underserved Counties on its website. The CFPB has previously posted lists of such counties for calendar years 2011-2014. The lists are relevant to exemptions in several CFPB mortgage rules, including the CFPB’s rule requiring creditors to establish escrow accounts for certain first-lien higher-priced mortgage loans.

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More Data, More To Do

Independent Banker

'Gathering and reporting bankwide data is becoming a competitive norm. By Karen Epper Hoffman. In a world where information can be the most valuable currency, community banks are gathering more of their internal data. They have lots of options. According to Mark Dittman, CEO of IBT Inc., a bank software provider in Cedar Park, Texas, most community banks gather data well for reporting purposes.

Data 88
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Happy Halloween!

South State Correspondent


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Searching for the Future

Banking 2020

'Google isn’t just a verb—it’s become a fundamental part of the daily experience by serving as an entry point into where we go and what we do, everywhere and all time. In the most basic sense, Google searches offer a peek into the zeitgeist. That’s why the annual study tracking Google search trends in the banking industry, as seen in the Financial Brand , typically makes for interesting reading.

Google 86
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Digital Transformation: Accelerating ROI and Growth in Commercial Lending

Now is the time for lenders to prioritize their digital transformation initiatives in preparation for the lending rebound. Rising competition and ever-increasing customer demands for speed and efficiency are forcing financial institutions to embrace digital transformation. This shift can feel overwhelming—where do you begin? This infographic illustrates automation demands and shows you how loan document automation serves as an essential step to increase profits and provide the best lending exper