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Live Webinar: Retail banks, rethink the cost of your cash distribution network

ATM Marketplace is hosting a webinar on Sept.17 that will look at dealing with a "less-cash" society instead of a cash-less one. It's time for retail banks to rethink the cost of cash and drive change.

Live Webinar: Retail banks, rethink the cost of your cash distribution networkPhoto provided by iStock

| by Pat Shea — Editor, NetworldMedia

For retail banks, maintaining a broad cash distribution network for branches and ATMs is challenging, even though the demand for cash is currently flat.

The current go-to solutions have always been optimizing cash forecasting; renegotiating CIT contracts or removing low performing ATMs and branches. Although these actions can help, they do little to reduce costs.

It's time to rethink the cost of your cash distribution network, which is why ATM Marketplace is hosting a free webinar on Sept. 17 focusing on a solution that integrates and automates the four core functions at the heart of a cash distribution network. They are:

  1. Load compliance.
  2. Treasury reconciliation.
  3. Cash forecasting.
  4. Bulk cash ordering.

Using a solution, created by Perativ, can result in 20-40% less cash required, reduce workload and CIT costs and enhance timely cash data, according to Chris Chandler, the president and CEO of Perativ, who will share his insight and solution during the webinar.

He has over 30 years of experience in the payments arena, working with startups that include Accenture, KPMG, Simvest and BMO. An expert on the future of cash, Chandler became the CEO of Access Cash, an ATM operator in 2005. In 2019, he renamed it Perativ and redefined its purpose to making cash accessible and affordable.

Chandler is also the incoming president of the ATM Industry Association.

Following the webinar will be a live question and answer segment for listeners.

Click here to register for the webinar.

Pat Shea
Pat Shea is the editor of ATM Marketplace. Pat has been an editor and writer in mass market and trade publishing for more than 25 years. She has won press awards for her newspaper reporting and feature writing in corporate communication publications.
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