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ATM Marketplace: June Top 5

It's officially summer. And it feels like it. Whether you're headed to the lake, the cabin, the pool, or indoor refuge with working AC for the July 4 holiday, it's a good time to catch up on your summer reading — including top-rated features you might have missed at ATM Marketplace.

ATM Marketplace: June Top 5image istock

| by Suzanne Cluckey — Owner, Suzanne Cluckey Communications

It's officially summer. And it feels like it. Whether you're headed to the lake, the cabin, the pool, or indoor refuge with working AC for the July 4 holiday, it's a good time to catch up on your summer reading — including top-rated features you might have missed at ATM Marketplace.

Here's the rundown:

5) Gen Z comes of age ... in the age of digital banking

Move over millennials. Gen Z is on the scene and ready to leave its mark on banking and payments. Members of this demographic view the world in a completely different way.

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4) Sweden's far from accidental journey to a cashless society

Sweden's apparent move toward becoming the planet's first cashless state is clearly neither accidental nor simply the outcome of choices made by the Swedish public.

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3) ATMs going, going, already gone?

I have begun observing that there are fewer and fewer ATMs in places where I used to see them — at airports, railway stations and malls.

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2) 4 ways FIs are fighting ATM upgrade fatigue

Nearly 80 percent of financial institution-owned ATMs in the U.S. will have to be replaced or upgraded to support Windows 10 — so what's an FI to do? 

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1) Banks at a crossroads: The future of ATMs

In North America, the ATM channel is still a key touch point with the consumer. But  some major European companies seem to think it's a dying business. So, who is right?

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Suzanne Cluckey

Suzanne’s editorial career has spanned three decades and encompassed all B2B and B2C communications formats. Her award-winning work has appeared in trade and consumer media in the United States and internationally.


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