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CU Anytime opts for NCR, Inetco self-service channel solutions

The combined platform is expected to help the CUSO enhance performance and user experience across its multivendor ATM network.

CU Anytime, a provider of management services to member credit unions, has announced plans to implement integrated, channel management software from NCR Corp. and Inetco Systems Ltd. across its multivendor fleet of 225 ATMs.

According to a press release, CU Anytime will rely on three solutions: NCR Aptra Vision for multivendor, self-service device management; NCR Aptra OptiCash for cashpoint cost optimization; and Inetco Insight for real-time transaction monitoring and analytics software.

NCR Aptra Vision provides incident management and operational data combined with commercial and business data from a wide variety of sources.

The platform correlates data from individual ATMs and presents it within a user-friendly interface to help FIs discover hidden relationships between different performance-influencing factors.

NCR Aptra Vision also reduces site visits by enabling automatic, pre-emptive actions along with remote management and command functions.

Inetco Insight transaction monitoring software complements Aptra Vision with real-time alerting and end-to-end visibility into consumer transactions at an ATM or other customer-facing touch point such as a mobile application, kiosk or online banking application.

NCR Aptra OptiCash analyzes data directly from the ATM or from existing infrastructure sources to generate a forecast and cost optimized replenishment strategy for every cashpoint, taking into account cost factors, servicing constraints and capacities.

"CU Anytime is committed to offering quality services to our members while improving our business performance," said Pat Holland, president and CEO of CU Anytime. "Implementing NCR's integrated, channel management platform is a critical step forward for us to achieve operational excellence, cost effectiveness and improved member experiences."


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