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Is your ATM business missing out on social media sales?

Studies indicate that social media users spend 20–40 percent more with companies that engage with them via social media — and they rely on social media channels for their first line of customer service interaction.

Is your ATM business missing out on social media sales?photo istock

| by Alicia Blanda — Chief Marketing Officer, Blanda Marketing & Public Relations

Most Americans (81 percent of them, according to Statista) have active social media accounts. And on an international basis, the average person spends time on social media daily, as follows:

  • YouTube: 40 minutes
  • Facebook: 35 minutes
  • Snapchat: 25 minutes
  • Instagram: 15 minutes
  • Twitter: 1 minute

The numbers are clear. Consumers — for both business and personal purposes — use social media regularly, often in the palm of their hand.

However, many businesses lag behind in finding ways to reach their target audience through social channels.

Some leave their social presence in the hands of an intern, admin or other youthful acquaintance with lots of tech savvy, but little to no understanding of customer service, public relations or the workings of an ATM business.

Others have social media accounts for the CEO, management and sales staff that were set up under pressure — or by someone else — and lie dormant or rarely used.

The fact is that social media users spend 20–40 percent more with companies that engage with them via social media — and rely on social media channels for their first line of customer service interaction.

That said, not all social networks are created equal for all industries, so it's important to understand who's using each, and how.

  • YouTube — Connected with Google. Owning and posting to a YouTube account can assist with search engine optimization. Arguably the most used network, YouTube is an excellent platform for both ATM operators and their suppliers. The downside? You must communicate in video.
  • Facebook — Now considered the "traditional" social media, Facebook is an excellent venue for communicating and connecting with individuals. It's also a great channel for members looking to generate traffic to their websites. However it may not the best investment for businesses looking to connect with other businesses.
  • Snapchat — Quick and fun, Snapchat capitalizes on the ephemeral. While the application has introduced some interesting ways for businesses to get involved, messages are targeted to individuals. Like Facebook, it has potential to drive traffic to a website, but it might not be the best channel for businesses wanting to connect with other businesses.
  • Instagram — Facebook-owned Instagram is gaining traction — especially with millennials — and offers ATM operators an interesting way to promote their products and services to consumers and drive traffic. Facebook has made it easy for businesses that advertise on Facebook to advertise on Instagram, also.
  • LinkedIn — Built to generate business connections and grow sales, LinkedIn is the perfect venue to communicate and connect with potential business partners. It can be a win for ATM operators looking for locations or bank partners, and for industry suppliers.

One large regional bank recently made it a requirement for employees — from tellers to IT staff to management — to have a LinkedIn profile.

Social media is becoming a primary avenue for business and personal connections all across the globe, and threatens to greatly outpace other forms of communication.

Companies that put social media on the back burner are likely to be missing out on the future of business promotion.

So, dust off that old social media profile, update it and start using it to win social sales.

Alicia Blanda


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