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New Compliance Training Product Developed for Financial Service Leaders

Enables key decision makers to effectively manage organizational risk and streamline annual planning

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  • Written by  Banking Exchange staff
New Compliance Training Product Developed for Financial Service Leaders

One of the challenges for the banking industry is to keep on top of compliance issues, and part of that is to make crucial decisions in how to train executives focused on Compliance and Fraud Prevention. BAI, a nonprofit independent organization, announced the launch of BAI Training Insights, a new innovative tool designed to help financial services leaders develop and document training plans more efficiently and effectively.

Planning for annual compliance training is often a manual, time-consuming process involving various departments across an organization. During the assignment planning process, leaders may assign the same courses across roles within the organization, regardless if they are applicable to all positions. This approach can lead to over- or under-assigning required training, placing financial services organizations at risk with compliance regulators.

BAI Training Insights is looking to equip leaders with the ability to identify the appropriate amount of training for specific roles, and enabling regulatory training to be easily focused for each position within an organization.  

Many banks, especially small and midsize firms need to provide training, but keep costs low and time limited in order to stay competitive.  At the same time, minimizing risk is extremely important. Some of the issues that larger banks have faced in this area would have meant the end to smaller firms that could not regroup quickly enough. 

BAI Training Insights, the area of BAI that provides the Compliance Training tool, also seeks to provide comparative analytics to enable leaders to understand how peer organizations address their regulatory training. Benchmarking competitors on best practices in terms of compliance training is a critical practice for financial institutions, and can often be overlooked as a nice to have, but not mission critical practice.  On the contrary, benchmarking is a good start but a bank should make sure that the industry standard is sufficient enough to provide the bank’s security issues.   

“Financial services leaders are looking to maximize the return on their investment in compliance training in the most efficient way possible, which is why BAI is providing a new, innovative way to address this industry need,” said Ed Marcheselli, managing director of BAI Learning and Development. “BAI Training Insights allows organizations to document the risks while comparing their training program with a synthetic peer group, using analytics that only BAI can provide.”

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