TRUST (Part 1 of 3: EARNING It)


Welcome to the first in a 3-part series on TRUST. Let’s talk about EARNING it.

By far, this is the step in the process that takes the longest. It takes hard work and considerable effort. Trusting others and being trustworthy yourself are so very important to operate a business successfully. After all, if you can’t trust the people with whom you work or if people don’t trust you, nothing else will ever fall into place, will it?

How is trust earned? Here are 3 ways:

Open dialogue – Being able to have open, honest discussions is paramount. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re not in the espionage business so there is no need to keep secrets. Strengthen your ability to start meaningful conversations. Talk about things that are relevant to the tasks at hand. Share insights, goals, objectives, worries, and challenges. Become very good at having this kind of discussion.

Get thoroughly interested in other people – without becoming nosey. It is important that you endeavor to understand other points of view. If you want to build trusting relationships with others, you must become interested in what is important to them. What do their jobs entail? How do their responsibilities compliment and interact with your own? Dale Carnegie tells us to get to know other people. His book, How To Win Friends & Influence People, has been on the bestseller list for decades. I think he was onto something important. What do you think?

Be grateful– if you have been able to earn someone’s trust, embrace an attitude of gratitude. Be thankful that someone thinks highly enough of you to trust your opinions and viewpoints. Operate as if that trust can be shattered in an instant if you don’t work hard to cultivate it (more on this in parts 2 & 3 of this series.) Show other people that you are truly thankful for the trust they’ve put in you.

Be sure to check back early next week for Part 2 in this series on Trust: Cultivating It.

What are your thoughts on TRUST? Share them by commenting. Let’s get a discussion going!


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About Your Full Potential, LLC

I am the President of Your Full Potential, LLC and the Founder of ABSURD! Leadership. I am a professional speaker and have addressed thousands of people throughout the United States and internationally on the topics of leadership, sales, service, business development, marketing, and strategy.
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2 Responses to TRUST (Part 1 of 3: EARNING It)

  1. Pam Warren says:

    I believe that first thing in order to earn trust is to be completely honest, how can you trust anyone if they aren’t honest about things. Then once you have earned their trust then carry out what you are telling them that you will do or promised them to do. My thoughts are its very hard to earn some peoples trust and once you do it only takes 1 time to loose it and then you want ever get it back or if you do it will be a long time coming. It’s all about being honest and carrying thru with what you tell someone


  2. Janice Johnson says:

    In a financial institution especially, trust is definitely a key component. Trust is vitally important to any type of relationship. But if a person knows they can trust you with their finances, there is a great chance that person will have an easier time trusting you with other aspects of their lives. We’ve heard the phrase “If you’ll steal you’ll lie” (or vice versa). Well, I don’t view the “stealing” factor as referring to only money. In a business environment, thoughts/ideas are often stolen. Someone may take credit for the awesome idea “you” came up with and perhaps they receive the promotion instead of you. However, if the person who stole your idea is placed into that higher position and they aren’t able to present more ideas like the one that got them there, in some cases, that person may do the right thing and fess up to stealing your idea in an attempt to regain your trust. I agree with the portion of the article that discusses getting interested in other people. Without knowing how stressful a person’s position is, you may never respect what they do nor have the mindset to ask them if they need help with anything when your work load is light. I feel that it is extremely important to know how everything in a corporation/organization is threaded together. From personal experience, it causes a greater level of respect and gratitude for and towards one another.


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