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Fintech Regulators -- Look South Where Mexico Shows How To Do It

Updated Jan 17, 2019, 11:28am EST
This article is more than 5 years old.

American financial services regulators might want to look south, to Mexico, to see some smart fintech regulation. In the Dallas Fed’s quarterly publication, Southwest Economy, researcher Michael Perez writes that Mexico was one of the first countries to design legislation exclusively dedicated to the fintech sector.

“Regulators recognize challenges accompanying the benefits of wider fintech adoption,” he wrote…”Mexico follows in the steps of the UK which was the first country to adopt comprehensive regulatory standards and politics specifically for fintech.”

Mexico law has established a sandbox for fintechs, something pioneered by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and something advocated by the OCC and Treasury.

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In late October, the Conference of State Bank Supervisors filed suit to block the OCC from developing a regulatory sandbox. The General Accounting Office said the fragmented state of American financial regulation can costs firms millions.

Perez wrote that the Mexican law “seeks to provide legal security to consumers, trigger greater competition in financial markets, combat money laundering and fraud in accordance with international standards and regulate transactions involving digital assets and platforms.”

The sandboxes are testing grounds for new business models not protected by existing regulation, the article added. Regulators can develop rules as they watch new fintech products in operation.

“Fintech, while relatively small, has the potential to deepen Mexico’s financial systems, while offering improved access to credit for the unbanked and underbanked.”

Perez said that an estimated 75% of Mexican adults have access to a mobile phone, and 42% are smartphones. At the same time banking penetration remains low for both consumers and smaller enterprises, and the share of adults with a bank account actually fell from 2014 to 2017.

The fintech world is still small, he added. Most fintechs are less than five years old and employ fewer than 10 people. while only 8% have more than 50 employees.

Still, “Fintech volume is projected to reach $68 billion by 2022, assuming growth at the current rate.”

BBVA, the Spanish banks which is one of the most technologically aggressive and adept banks in the world, operates BBVA Bancomer, Mexico’s largest commercial bank. It has bought  Openpay, a Mexican startup for electronic payments and announced it would launch a $250 million fund that will focus on early- to late-stage fintechs. BBVA bought Simple, a banking application that combines a debit cards, smartphone with machine learning and AI to help customers understand their finances and avoid overspending.

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