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Partnership Fund For New York City Has Successful Grads From Its FinTech Innovation Lab

Updated Jan 15, 2019, 11:44am EST
This article is more than 5 years old.

Mixed in among the venture capitalists in Institutional Investor’s list of the 40 top FinTech Finance Power Player is the leader of a nonprofit — Maria Gotsch, president and CEO of the Partnership Fund for New York City.

Courtesy The Partnership

Accenture and the Fund were the first to create a development Lab for fintech firms to work with financial firms in New York City. For 12 weeks leaders from technology firms interested in working with financial firms would come to New York to work with coaches and  executives from banks. In the years since the Lab started, graduates have raised close to $800 million and created nearly 1000 jobs. Five companies have been acquired and of the remaining graduates, 90% are still running, Gotsch said.  Accenture has developed similar programs in London, Hong Kong and Dublin.

“We were also one of the first to marry corporate involvement with accelerators,” said Gotsch. The Lab started with 10 banks and it now has 44 financial institutions including 13 insurance companies plus money managers, payment specialists and hedge funds.

"The key shift we made in the early days is when we set it up we were going after most startup companies. After one or two years we realized it made more sense for us to target a slightly later stage company — companies at the stage where the product is done and they may have one or two customers, a pilot or at least a robust beta.  Another class of companies may be later stage but new to financial services and they are coming in to understand the needs of banks or insurance companies.”

Just last year the Lab added insurance companies which had started with an interest in money management but have since expanded to insurtech.

John Cusano, senior managing director in the global insurance practice at Accenture, said he had been trying to get an insurtech track added for several years.

“Last year there was a ton of activity around insurance, so the timing was good. We got a lot of applications and innovations from startups and we have been getting insurance companies to join us.”

Courtesy Accenture

The insurtech firms have been in financial advising, AI to support agents, leveraging data for better underwriting, processing in both life and P&C. They are also working in cyber — both developing cyber security and writing coverage for cyber crime.

Accenture’s FinTech Innovation lab in London has a makeup similar to New York, he added. APAC is a little different, with not as many startups and a stronger emphasis on helping companies scale.

While the early years were dominated by entrepreneurs with limited financial experience, more recently the Lab has seen companies started by industry veterans who have left big firms to develop solutions.

T-REX is a good example, she said. Benjamin Cohen had worked on Wall Street and saw how time-consuming it was to price esoteric asset-back securities, like solar energy. He developed a way to automate the process and reduce the time to value from two days to a few minutes.

“I predict insurtech will follow the same arc. As it becomes more accepted and there are more relationships, you will see more insurance executives leave insurance companies and develop solutions for the enterprise.”

As regulators have taken note of FinTech innovation, the Fund added Jonah Crane, retired from Treasury as Regulator in Residence.

“He has been very helpful. He can answer specific questions and he organizes a trip to Washington every year where we meet with four or five agencies focused on FinTech. They lead to interesting discussions because the class learns what the different regulators do. If you haven't been in financial services can be murky who does what to whom. It’s also been very interesting to the regulators to see the technologies that are bubbling up from the industry. We have had a couple of cases where a regulator hears a pitch and said that could help solve XYZ. In one case, a regulator gave the company talking points it could use with the banks.”

Last year the Lab brought aboard Phil Fasano, former CIO of AIG , to help with the developing insurtech direction.

The size of the program,  10 tech companies and roughly 40 financial firms, is about right, Gotsch said. The model involves senior executives spending time at these participating companies and “they are very generous with their time, but they have day jobs too.”

The process remains much the same — helping emerging technology companies getting into large institutions, a process which remains challenging, she said.

“As part of the the mentoring, the bank executives see innovation that they could use but the company is not quite ready for prime time. The operations may be on cloud and bank might not be ready for cloud. The tech companies need to understand what a large financial institution  needs to buy their program.”

In recent years the Innovation Lab has also begun to take advantage of its alumni.

“We have an alumni call twice a year and also pick four or five grads who have started to make progress with contracts at large customers and bring them back  for a chance to re-pitch what they are doing to this group of FIs. It’s a good way for large FIs to track what is happening because their priorities may have changed, or the company wasn't far enough along the first time.”

It’s important that the Lab draws decision makers who have budget and enough senior relationships to bring new technology into their firm.

“The sponsors are senior executives on the business side; in these large complicated organizations it is about getting that right. A lot of the senior people are actually CTO or CIO level and they have been very effective with their staff getting the companies we work with to the right people in the organization.”

The Lab takes a .5% de minimis stake priced at fair market value when the tech firms come into the lab, deliberately priced below what an advisor would charge, and it provides free office space to companies from out of town.

“That pricing has helped us get senior participation from the banks. When we told them it was going to a nonprofit fund helping New York, they said they were good with that. Accenture doesn’t benefit, it all goes into  the Partnership Fund. We are expecting that over time any proceeds from those warrants will cover the staff costs over the life of the program.”

Accenture does benefit from the program, Cusano said. “It helps us be knowledgeable in front of  new trends and puts us in the middle of discussions where we can learn what our clients see as relevant. We wind up partnering with some of the startups and the Accenture Investors Group sometimes makes an investment in a company in the Lab.

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