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3 Crucial Elements of a Successful Content Marketing Program (and how to get started for free!)

By William Mills Agency April 16, 2020 Marketing

hubspot free implementation

Before diving into a content marketing program, it’s wise to lay the right foundation. Even if you’re crafting high-quality, relevant content, you’re unlikely to get very far without a well-maintained contact database, lead capturing technology, and robust reporting.

Read on to learn more about these three crucial elements and find out how you can get started with email, forms, analytics, chatbots and advertising – all for free!

Get Started with HubSpot’s Free Software

A Well-Maintained Contact Database
An organized and well-maintained contact database enables you to keep track of who you’re targeting, their most current contact information, and their recent activities on your website. Having key data points about each contact enables you to better target your campaign and improve your conversion rates. HubSpot’s CRM system makes it easy to create up to five lists based on specific criteria, such as asset size or company. You can then craft personalized messages based on buyer persona, recent activity, or conference attendance, for example.

Effective Lead Capturing Technology
Effective lead capturing capabilities are crucial for keeping your contact database clean. HubSpot automatically updates contact information when a form is filled out, such as when a prospect downloads a white paper. Using the contact’s information stored in your CRM, you can craft targeted emails or use live chat to engage with them.

Forms can also be used to collect qualifying information to improve the efficiency of sales operations. Gathering intel before reaching out enables your sales team to target only the most qualified leads.   

Accurately analyzing ROI is a key component of any successful marketing initiative and HubSpot’s analytics dashboard shows which marketing efforts are generating leads; tracks the channels driving the highest engagement; and monitors the sales team's performance over time. Keeping a close eye on the results of marketing efforts enables you to quickly pivot when something isn’t working and make the most of highly successful campaigns. 

So, how can you get started? Hubspot is offering a free version of its marketing system, including email, forms, analytics, chatbots and advertising capabilities. This is a great way to try out inbound marketing strategies before investing.

William Mills Agency is currently offering free implementation of HubSpot’s free marketing software to qualifying companies. Click here to learn more about how to get started. 

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