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How can trending technologies enhance the user experience?

Technology is ever-evolving, but contrary to what you might expect, it can become more human, not less so, in the process. Learn what this means in financial services terms in a video presentation from the 2017 Bank Customer Experience Summit.

How can trending technologies enhance the user experience?cover photo Networld Media Group/FinTech Advisors

| by Suzanne Cluckey — Owner, Suzanne Cluckey Communications

Technology is ever-evolving, but contrary to what we mortals might expect, it can become more human, not less so, in the process.

The "self-humanizing" capability of technology gives financial institutions the opportunity to create new and improved solutions that meet customers where they are — both physically and figuratively — in their daily lives.

Milton Santiago, an omnichannel digital executive and founder of the consultancy FinTech Advisors LLC, described how this works during a keynote presentation at the Bank Customer Experience Summit this fall.

He explained that in his previous life as a managing director and global digital channels executive at Bank of America:

Technology to me was not about implementing the next new gadget. It was not about implementing the next thing because my competition needed it or was doing it and we had to copy what they were doing. But it was about, 'How could I create experiences that were more human?'

How do you create an experience that simulates what we do as we interact?

Watch the video below to find out ...

"How do we create technology experiences that are more human?" from Networld Media Group Summits on Vimeo.

Suzanne Cluckey

Suzanne’s editorial career has spanned three decades and encompassed all B2B and B2C communications formats. Her award-winning work has appeared in trade and consumer media in the United States and internationally.


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