Wikipedia Co-Founder Says ‘No’ To Crypto, Chainalysis Study Finds Decline In Bitcoin Payments

Bitcoin Daily

Mistertango found that 88 percent of crypto exchanges do, in fact, want regulation in the industry, Cryptovest reported. At the same time, however, 17 percent of the exchanges surveyed think that the biggest threat to the crypto industry is regulation that is too strict.

INLOCK has unveiled a digital lending platform with a blockchain twist, VentureBeat said. The company’s goal is to “provide a platform where digital currency holders can use their crypto as collateral to take out fiat loans from institutional lenders,” INLOCK CEO and Founder Csaba Csabai told the outlet.

The government of Mexico is intending to use a blockchain network for public procurement purposes, Cryptovest noted. The bidding process on the network may be handled through multiple smart contracts, which are designed for different stages of procurement procedures.

On another note, data from the 17 biggest services that process crypto payments for merchants suggests that bitcoin is becoming less popular for the exchange of goods and services, according to Bloomberg. While those services received $411 million in payments in September, they only received $60 million in payments in May.

Cryptocurrency developer is teaming up with Celsius to take part in its financing platform, Reuters reported.’s digital coin, which is dubbed CARAT, will reportedly be backed by diamonds.

Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Wikipedia, does not plan to involve Wikipedia with cryptocurrency, noted NewsBTC. In an interview, he said that Wikipedia will “absolutely never” have digital currency or ambitions for an initial coin offering (ICO). In addition, Wales said that crypto is “clearly a bubble with a lot of mania and hype around it.”

In other news, a report from RANE contends that cryptocurrency transactions can be traceable, firm said in an announcement. The report said that the identities of those involved in blockchain transaction can be learned when people change their crypto into fiat currencies.

A study published in Energy Research & Social Science suggests that crypto mining can have some sizeable environmental impacts, according to MarketWatch. In the study, Qatar University Professor Jon Truby contends that “the design of bitcoin’s mining and trading system requires such a vast consumption of electricity that it is equivalent to powering Denmark.”