Today in Data: Filling Needs, Fixing Vulnerabilities

The IoT market is growing exponentially – but in the lives of consumers, it’s on an industrial scale. The good news: It’s mostly a “more is more” situation. More connection points mean better opportunities. Business runs smoother and more seamlessly, financial institutions can plan better for the future and consumers can get more of what they want and need. Everybody wins! Which is not actually great news, since the list of “everybody” includes hackers and crackers who are getting ever better at encroaching on connections for their own benefit.


496 million: The number of IoT devices vulnerable to DNS rebinding cyberattacks.

$176 billion: Estimated value of the global, industrial IoT market by 2022.

160,000: Number of global brands using Appear Here to find commercial real estate.

100 percent: Share of top-performing, innovating FIs that plan out definite priorities for three years into the future, with a focus on three or four specific areas.

63 percent: Share of financial institutions that said meeting a consumer’s needs was a main driver of innovation.